Requiem, The Dream lyrics
by F8L
Marvin : *wakes up flustered, breathes heavily* what, whoa, huh (basically some subtle exclamatory nuances)
(marvin gets up, and walks a bit)
Oompa : are you okay?
Marvin : whoa, oompa you scared me man
Oompa : were you having a bad dream?
Marvin : i dont know... a bad dream. have i been asleep?
Oompa : yes, for about 31 mins
Marvin : i’ve been asleep for 31 mins? who is controlling the ship? where is celestia?
Oompa : the ship is on autopilot. and who is celestia?
Marvin : what do you mean, who is celestia? forget it, where are we?
Oompa : ……
(cel speaks through the speaker)
Celestia : marvin, report to the main bridge, trust me you need to see this!
Marvin : *presses button* what is it cel?
Celestia : a supermassive black hole 217 lightyears west has started emitting plasma, we are literally witnessing the formation of...
Marvin: a quasar? we’re on the way