Scene 25 Helicopter Sicko Pilot lyrics
by Rose McGowan
Still in front of the helicopter, Dakota looks around, realizing that the second helicopter looks empty. She rushes over to it, gets inside and finds nothing in the c*ckpit. Behind her, in the cargo area, Bill emerges.
They told me I’d find you here. I was beginning to lose hope.
I’m sorry… But I lied. I did want to hurt you.
Bill: (raising a syringe)
My turn.
From nowhere, gun shots strike Bill, who then falls to the ground dead. Earl McGraw, Dakota’s father appears at the side entrance of the helicopter.
No more dead bodies for Daddy tonight.
I never did like that son of a b*tch. About as useless as a pecker on a pope.
Back in the other helicopter, Skip takes the pilot’s seat with the Twins bickering close behind.
Skip: (flipping on controls)
Shut up! Sit down! And don’t f*ckin’ touch anything.
A group of zombie soldiers begin rushing the front of the helicopter. Skip tells everyone to sit down. He takes off, angling the blades at their bodies. The blades of the helicopter rips the zombies to shreds.