Everybody Documentary lyrics


Logic & Juanes

One thing I think I'd like to say, and you could maybe even start the whole sh*t off with this is... I'm not sorry for making this album, and I made this album from a place in my heart of love... and I'm black and I'm proud as sh*t. That's the sh*t, that's the thing the whole world said I could never say or be or do. And I'm biracial and I love my fans. Swag. Flex. Rattpack

[Everybody Interlude]

C'mon! Is it going? Alright, what's up guys, This is day one of recording for the, I mean *Claps* Hey, What's up guys. Make sure you keep that last part in there of me explaining it because we're real all the time. RattPack
My studio is being built

[2nd Everybody Interlude]

[Logic, Bobby Campbell, and 6ix In The Studio]
Logic: *Tapping on glass*
Bobby Campbell: *Tapping his foot* "What are you going to contribute?"
6ix: *Claps*

[Justin Fleischer]
That was the first song ever created in this room

Yeah, That's the first beat ever, damn
(To 6ix): But like, what's it like from, going to what's going to be in here from Charles Hall?

Oh, Nuts. It's gon- It's the come up. It's the glow up. It's what we've always wanted
Uh, Well the message for the music is just equality of man. Straight up. Straight up and down. 6 o'clock. When white people find out that I'm black, racist white people. They treat me on some like-and I've heard this, "Send your ass back to Africa, or at least the half that doesn't matter." sh*t like that, that I've heard. It's like that's what I am, I'm either one or the other to these people. There's like just a handful, no more than I think like 4 songs, where I am truly discussing being biracial in America. With that being said, Those are the only times I discuss race, and it's my race. Not your race or his race or her race, It's just me being biracial and telling my story. And you might not like my story, but it's my story
You know, and then the entire rest of the album is rapped, you know, from different perspectives of a life that that dude Atom, who is being reincarnated has lived

[Logic In The Studio With Groups Of People]
There's a guy who dies in the beginning of this album and his name is Atom. Atom but like the "first man" right? But spelled A-T-O-M, like the atoms in our body and everything connecting us. He gets hit by a car and wakes up in a white void. And he's talking to this random guy. And the guy's like "Life, What's it all about?" And he's like "What? What the f*ck you talkin' about?" He's like "Where am I?" Well, it turns out the random guy is actually God. Have you ever heard of this guy named Neil DeGrasse Tyson? Scientist, scientist, astrophysicist, crazy, super awesome, and I don't know how the hell I did it, but I got him to play the role of God on my album. Which is crazy

[Logic On His Couch]
I can't even believe that Neil DeGrasse Tyson is on this album. Like when I think about it, that's like the most gangster feature of all time

[Logic and Neil Recording]
Logic: So what now, what advice can you give me?
Neil: What advice can I give humanity?

[Logic And Friends In The Studio]
You guys know Big Von? He's like the radio DJ from the bay, on KMEL

[Steve Wyreman]
Oh Yeah

So he plays this guy named Atom

[Big Von and Logic Recording]
Big Von: Wait, wait, wait, what? Stop all the hippie sh*t
[Logic Explaining Concept]
This guy Atom dies and it's a whole conversation between them. And he finds out that he is about to be reincarnated. And then he finds out that not only that is he being reincarnated, but that he is everybody who has ever been reincarnated because there is only one human being. And he has been reincarnated so many times, in fact, that he is every human being that has ever existed. You know he was Jesus and all of his disciples. He was Hitler and everybody that he murdered. You know, every time he extended a hand of kindness to someone, he was doing it to himself. Every time he was extending a hand of hatred or murder to someone, he was only doing it onto himself. And it isn't until he has lived in the shoes of ever man, woman, child, race, religion, color, creed, and sexual orientation that he will know what it is to appreciate life and then be taken to the next plane of existence. So every time I'm rapping on the album pretty much, I'm rapping from the perspectives of one of the lives he has lived. So it's very sci-fi, but it's very real at the same time. It's weird man, it's a good one

[No I.D.]
Hip-Hop artists are tasked to not have any imagination, but to actually work in direct correlation to where they are from, who they were, and you know he has a lot of imagination

[Logic In His House]
I was actually really inspired when I read a short story that was written by a writer by the name of Andy Weir called "The Egg." I read it and it inspired me so much, and it's essentially the same thing, it's just my take on it. You know, it's a man who dies and is reincarnated and lives every life ever. And I thought "wow," I relate to more than just one sect or one side of humanity or race being biracial. I kind of feel that. I feel kind of what what it's like to be two people. To be like a black man in a fair skinned body, if that makes any sense. So it's like wow, it's almost like living two separate lives to the public. Not to me, but to others. They might view me as different people. I guess wow, that's crazy I never really thought of it like that

[No I.D.]
So bringing who he is into the stories that he wants to tell and having them intertwine with reality and fantasy, sci-fi, That's the difficult thing to score

I didn't think I was going to be able to pull it off. I mean how do you pull off that? How do you pull off an album rapping from different perspectives of a life that one man lived, who is actually everyone ever. it's just crazy, but I don't know how the hell it came together, but it did

[Hallelujah Interlude]

[Logic Outside His House]
This is so much more than just music. It's like a true personal part of my life. So, I'm getting my license, I'm doing my best to get fit and in shape, and deal with being mentally healthy and physically healthy. And dealing with my music and friends, wife, personal relationship, and dogs and everything. So I just want you guys to see as much of my life as you can see

[Logic Driving]
So yesterday, I think i was telling Mike that I had the wildest anxiety ever. In my mind I was like, I'm like "I'm fine, I'm fine" I don't know why but I was feeling physically weird. Not like ill or anything, just like- faint. You know kind of dizzy, kind of out of it. Very disconnected

[Fan Recognizes Logic]
Fan: Logic?
Logic: 'Sup dude?
Fan: What's going on man, how's you day?
Logic: Nice, I got an appointment. What's your name man?
Fan: Raymond
Logic: *Shakes his hand* Nice to meet you Raymond
Raymond: You have a great day
Logic: Thanks brother
Yeah, that's a big thing that I've been dealing with so much, which is like anxiety. A lot of people don't understand it and that's why I'm like having you doc*ment this right now because I want to invite everybody into my life like never before and I have severe anxiety and it's hard and it sucks

[Logic Making Beats]

It's just so crazy because I've always-like I'm on my sh*t you know what I mean? Like I'm on my sh*t and I know what I need to do and how I need to do things But then anxiety can step in and be like "you feel up to having this meeting or this conversation or going on stage or performing or this or that, But I'm gonna f*ck you up." Like it's weird, it's crazy and so anxiety is so much more than just mental. it's a mental thing that can affect you physically and that's why when I had the biggest panic attack I ever had last year, you know just after The Incredible True Story was made, I was convinced I was going through was a physical thing. I was convinced it was something deeper like it was f*cking cancer. Like, you know what I mean? Cause my body was so f*cked up and um, it's not that. It's my mind. It's anxiety

[Making of Anziety]

[Lucy Rose]
When I went in the booth and I knew all of you guys were all out there listening, and I was learning it there and then on the spot, what he wanted me to sing. Damn, my legs were shaking, I was so nervous, It was the first time I sung it and I guess that’s when you really-like I realized that he's got a vision and I have to trust it because I wanted to practice it and get better at it, he comes back in and I was like I wanna know, I want to capture how you are right now when you're singing this for the first time

I think that's good, ah!

The first time in my life I have done anything like that

You never?

[Lucy Rose]
I'm not really sure how it goes

[Lucy Rose Back Outside]
Now listening back i really understand why he wanted to do that cause there was a vulnerability to what was captured that i don't know if that would have been the same if I had learnt it

[Logic and Lucy In The Booth]

[Logic Recording "Anziety"]

Yo, making music makes me feel good man. Like when I'm here with you guys, like not to sound any type of way, a lot of that,I mean I still be feelin' weird, but a lot of it goes away. It's like I have purpose with you guys

[Logic Four Days Later]
Hold on, I'm trying to think... one sec'. Should it end with the hook? Or maybe-maybe that's not the hook. Maybe I keep going right now and then I bring the hook again... that's what I'll do, I will extend this verse...

[Records Rest Of "Anziety"]

It's always really hard to recreate a vibe, because I was in such a zone the other night. I have to tap back into that same energy. It's gotta be the same

[Records More Of "Anziety"]

Alright, NO NO. Can you pause it? I f*cking hate technology. Pause it, pause it, pause it, pause it, pause it... alright can you run it back with the last sh*t i was doing? My f*cking- my phone deleted all the sh*t. f*cking hate this sh*t

I think this is harder than when I did "Gang Related."


Let me hear that... Woo!

[Logic to Bart Simpson figure]
So I need you to bring it back so it sounds really good, you know? You gotta make it like, you gotta make my vocals pop, period. Like I'm going here and this breaks, like you gotta feel it in your soul. As the Engineer you need to know what you're doing. [Anziety bass boosted] You know what I'm saying? Gotta be really good

[Bobby Campbell]
I lost my job to Bart Simpson?

Yeah, you're f*cking out bro

I was with No I.D. yesterday, Haden't seen him for a while. And we just had a real good talk. Man to man, shot some pool

[No I.D]
We shoot pool, and I just want it know I won 3 games today. (Camera man: he's gonna edit that out) it doesn't matter... WHEN YOU EDIT THIS JUST KNOW... 3-0

Just out of nowhere, then I played him my album. And he loved it

[No I.D.]
My thoughts were just by far his best work, for me

And I asked him to rap on it, and he said yeah

[No I.D.]
I mean, I can- I can rap

No I.D. is going to rap on my album. Which is like, what, that's so unheard of

[No I.D.]
I haven't really recorded a song in 20 years

I texted J. Cole and I was like, "Yo, Deon's rapping on my album, No I.D.," and he was like "WHAT? How the f*ck did you get him to do that?" and I thought about it, and I just asked him. "Only you could get him to do that"

I've waited for this moment my whole life. Right now, nothing else matters. Just making music here with Deon

[Making of America]
The concept is how we're all and what's going on in the Native American community that's being ignored

[America Interlude]

America, so America came together, you all were there. That sh*t was crazy. I just found these like sample packs or like little things and like vocals and I was pressing them, and I was throwing drums on, and creating the pads

[Production of America beat]

When I create music I hear sounds. Distinct-- That's why you can hear my sh*t when you got to festivals or whatever. They sing all the words because it's catchy. All the sounds are catchy. First things you hear, Woo... that's the "ohhhh " and it goes off

You'll hear a switch up and then I'm just rapping from like a hood motherf*cker and that's all he knows. And like, that's a lot of my own experience like with my brothers, and then my boy Lenny is like helping me voice this, you'll hear it

[Big Lenbo in the booth]

When Logic approached me with the contributing to the song "America" he laid it out. He knew what he wanted so he gave me the inspiration. Told me exactly what he was going for in that part of the song

[No I.D.]
We worked on the first album, and I was the Executive Producer. And some of the first session into the album I pretty much knew he was a producer, not just a rapper. I told him "hey, you don't really need me to produce your records, because you have your ideas. You need to you know have access to the personnel and techniques to deliver your thoughts."

[Bobby Campbell]
The first album was 6ix and Logic, the exact same way they did it on the mixtapes. Like nothing has changed from that you know. These two guys, sitting in the house, not the big studio, not even down here, not anywhere special. Just the two of them sitting down with the laptop, a concept, and some kind of inspiration

What's crazy too is you know, the same process we were doing back in the day. Like , we didn't have the string players, we didn't have the vocalists with us. That's what's so crazy about it is, the process is the same, but now we get to involve actual real musicians, rather than me tryna sample a string part from another song because I can't play it. But now I can be like, we have Claire and Tom to actually play the sh*t

Big Von, he just gets really entertaining

[Big Von recording skits]

[Big Von]
Got Neil on the album, you know how crazy that is? Space, Time, all the good things like that. Man, Logic has come up with the crazy story of all stories

[Logic to Damian Lemar Hudson]
So I was in Paris, with my wife, at the Louvre

[Sam Spratt]
So, it all started last summer when I get a call from Bob. And I pick up the phone, and It's three in the morning, and I say "Bob, what's up man, what the f*ck is this?" And he's like "I'm in Paris man, I'm at the Louvre, and I know what our album is going to be."

Everybody is looking at the Mona Lisa, and I'm looking at the Mona Lisa like "Wow, Leonardo Da Vinci painted this sh*t. Woah, this is crazy."
But then I'm looking at, myself included, everyone is so focused on the Mona Lisa, I'm in this insane museum with all this beautiful statues and paintings and all different types of stuff. So I was like "I'm gonna go look for something else", not just focus on this. And I turn around, and as soon as I turn around I see this

This is The Wedding at Cana. It was when Jesus turned water into wine

[Sam Spratt]
I'm like "Dude, doesn't that have like a hundred people in it?" and he's like "Yeah, it has like over 100 people. I don't know if we need that many, but like close. I want you to paint all of it. I want all my friends, all my family, everyone who works on this albums, people of all races, colors, creeds, sexual orientations, and genders. I wasn't it to be representative of Everybody."

Early into the year I decided I wanted to go to Italy to get inspiration for this. I did my research online, went through Google image search, and I studied countless books about the artist himself, other artists in the period, but there's limits to that. there was something about it where I felt compelled-- I always wanted to go to Italy. if there was ever a chance, why not now?

I went to every possible church I could, I went to the museum, I saw the Caravaggio, I immersed myself in everything I've loved and researched and I brought it back and put everything into the cover

This is going to be my album cover

[Sam Spratt]
The album is told from a variety of perspectives, which is something Bob loves to do. Putting himself in someone else's shoes and taking on their struggles and success, trying to see things through their perspective. This album, listening to it, sonically connects you to the art. it just executes that flawlessly

[Logic] For the longest time, I just wanted to focus on the music and not talk about race or negative sh*t going on in the world because I wanted it to be happy and fun, and about lyricism and raw sh*t. I felt that i needed to make and album like this because me being black & white and feeling discriminated against by my own people, made me feel like I need to talk about everyone else who was discriminated against

I didn't wanna be like "I'm biracial, but I look white and blah blah blah, no I'm really gonna talk about not only what's on my heart and mind, but whats on the hearts and minds of people all over the world who don't have the voice that I do

I am here with Patrick Starr in my studio. And I recruited him because he's amazing and awesome and he's a very sweet, kind person, and an amazing business man-- Or business queen. No, but honestly, he's just been so awesome and he's just such a great role model for so many people I wanted to include him as a representative for his culture and just have him on the album and album cover

Thank you! This is dope, so dope

I appreciate it, Thank you

[Patrick Starr in the booth]

I see good people who like to make good music and it's just that simple. Like "Hey, do you like what I'm doing? Do you like what I stand for? Oh you like this message? you wanna come play? You wanna be a part of it? Yes or No?"

So I'm flying this woman out, from the Bahamas, where me and my wife went on our anniversary. Her name is Paula

[Paula McKeva]
Hiii, I'm Paula McKeva, all the was from [?], Bahamas. Met Bobby, known as Logic as well, in the Atlantis resort and Casino Hotel

We were at the bar having a few drinks and this sh*t was killing it

I was singing Uptown Funk, so everyone was on the floor having fun

I was like up, and I was dancing with like all these older ladies and sh*t. It was like so fun

But like she KILLED it. Her voice was like killing it. She was doing like Whitney Houston songs and sh*t

I told him to come on the stage and said "Show me what you got." Then he went WILD and crazy. I didn't know who he was

After dinner, and she went to take a little break, I asked her if she wanted to come sing on my album, and she said "yeah."

[McKeva in the booth]

[Kev Randolph playing around on the keys]

[Bobby Campbell]
Kev, I love what you're doing, but we're gonna mute that sound

[Killing Spree Interlude]

[Booth Harmonizing]

[Confess plays]

[Logic crying]
I just had this crazy cry because I'm happy though. And I'm not trying to milk anything, but I thought I should let you know. I just wanted to in this moment-- Let you know I was listening to this song, "Anziety" and just thinking about how hard it is to live with it. But beyond that, the song, it made me realize how many people are here. How many people are in this house. And how blessed I am to have my wife and my dogs and my friends and music and fans. I can't believe it. Because I didn't have anything growing up, I didn't have anything. And now I have everything I could have ever wanted. And just right now in this moment I am so happy and blessed. Sorry, I just wanted to real quick-- I'm not trying to milk it or anything. I just wanted to say that, that i can't believe it's all real and happening

[1-800-273-8255 producing]

[Khalid in the booth]

[Logic] We're at Warner Bros. We are at the soundstage where they do all the scoring for films, and we are doing the album. And I'm excited, I feel like I don't belong here

(to the orchestra)
I just wanted to say this is f*cking crazy. Like, I'm sorry, this is just crazy and I know we're here to work but like I came from nothing-- so to be able to be here today is a very emotional thing. And this album is about the equality of man regardless of race, religion, color, creed and sexual orientation. This is the fight for equality

[Orchestra plays]

Yo, Bob, you know what's really crazy? Making a beat on Ableton of FL Studio and then like seeing that sh*t charted out and noted. That's amazing, isn't that like crazy

Yeah, we're just like Neanderthals


Like all the sheet music, but like what we sample

[Orchestra plays]

[Bobby Hall (Logic's dad)]
My name is Bobby "Smokey" Hall, I'm legend. I'm the legend of hip-hop go-go. I'm here to see my son, Logic, one of the hypest artists out there. He's just in his own zone. He's got a string session going on right now. [?] so yeah, I love him

[Logic conducts the orchestra]

It's been an amazing experience, and I really appreciate it (Crying)

[Bobby Hall]
Bobby has always been driven, even as a kid. He was a leader, not a follower. He never followed, you know what I'm saying? he had his own way that he lived

I took Bobby in the recording studio when he was like 15 for the first time. And he spit for like 45 minutes, non-stop. The engineer and I, Rock, just laughed and said "That boy got bars."

[Lucy Rose]
You were talking to your mates last night on the sofa and I was just like listening in and trying to learn what you guys were talking about. And you were saying like "We work with loads of people, but we f*ck with Logic." And I was like... excuse me? You were like "You know what I'm saying, we f*ck with Logic. We f*ck with him you know what I'm saying?" And I'm like what are you talking about? I had no idea what that meant

So when did that click for you what that meant?

[Lucy Rose]
Oh, only like 24 hours later, when I asked what it was. Did I ask one of you guys? I was like "What does that mean when you f*ck with someone?" I thought if you're f*cking with someone, you're f*cking them up or something


This is a classic doc*mentary moment right here

Lucy, I got a better one for you. You ever heard of what a f*ckboy is?

[Lucy Rose]
So yeah, that, Jess said, before she met you, "I wen't out with a couple of f*ckboys" and I was like is that just some one like, you have sex with?


She said that just means like a lame person

Well, I f*ck with Logic

Yeah, we f*ck with you Lucy Rose

[Lucy Rose]
I f*ck with you all

We f*ck with you


It was a long-ass time ago, I'm in the studio with this mo-f*cker and he brings this in
And I'm like "Dillon what's that?" And he's like "its that P1 bro, for sure." And I'm like "damn that's crazy, thats so cool", he's like "yeah man check it out", doing all this sh*t and I'm like oh my god, I gotta have this

So i hopped in the whip, I go, I drop the bread on this sh*t immediately, and all I get out of it , like used it for. I spent all that money, and got the kick for "Like Woah", and it's worth every penny

[Sir Dylan and 6ix working on Ink Blot]

This is rapped from the perspective of a rapper that like, the first half, it almost sounds like a sample with the vocals, but it's all myself. And he's saying like " I don't want to sleep all day and get up at night" like eh's not happy with the life that he's living because he's one of those rappers focussing on money and material possessions

It's called "Ink Blot" because one of the line is "I'm not me, I'm who you want me to be." And he's rapping like "yeah I got this money and I'm not a real rapper it's all bullsh*t, I'm making my money, f*ck it."

Like that personification of that rapper like that tone, chain wearing, "yeah yeah I rap", but deep down he's not happy, but his raps are like yeah I got this and millions. it's just a rapper who isn't happy with himself, but is making a lot of money. So that's the song
[Juciy J & Logic recording Ink Blot]
Perpetratin' ass, dumb ass mothaf*ckas, man
All on the 'Gram, all on the Snapchat with the bullsh*t
Kill yo' mothaf*ckin self, n*gga
Kill yo' mothaf*ckin self, n*gga
And tell yo' b*tch I said slob on my knob
That’s crazy!
Yo, I’ma keep all this sh*t for the album
Oh they gon' love that, they gon' be like, "Aw f*ck"

So, we're here, on Scotch Wednesday, it's a little thing I do with my buddies. Every Wednesday, as grown men, we drink scotch, shoot pool, play some jazz and Sinatra on vinyl over there. (cheers)

[Camera man to Logic]
Did you smoke a Jefferey?

[Logic (rubbing the wall)]

Woah wait, who has some other really good ones you can impersonate? Like Sinatra... OH give me Tonight Show All hand on deck, go

(All hands on deck)

Keep going

You're gonna do great. (Kiss) ... you just totally left me hanging

Oh, sorry

[Driving instructor]
Hello, sir, how are you doing today?

I'm doing good, how are you doing?

You brought the whole--

Yeah, we brought the whole team

[Driving Instructor]
Oh, excuse me, who is taking the picture?

I'm upset that I did what I'm supposed to do. That's the thing I'm telling you man. It's not like a fail. I've failed before, many times. It's just that when you know you did everything, you know you did it

[Christian Martin]
We're at the DMV. Bob's taking his driving test for the second shot. And uh, I'm a little bit nervous. I know he can drive, but just these instructors take of points for the craziest things

Thank you, 29, I can go in through here. Swag

Got that license though

[Black Spiderman Piano interlude]

"Black Spiderman" I wrote, first and foremost, it's about stereotypes, and that people make me believe I should be ashamed of who I am, and I'm not

[Logic in the booth]

Like, be you, f*ck EVERYBODY else, just be you. And people are goig to hate on you, they hate on me and my message is "Peace, Love and Positivity", and people HATE me. Like think about that... That's CRAZY! When you look at people you see things. You see a black man, you see a middle eastern man, you see,... there are people that are conditioned to look at people of color or people that are brown on an airplane a little weird. and that's so f*ckED up and I hate that. People look at me and I go, "I'm a rapper", and they go "What?" or people are conditioned to not accept me in hip-hop because of how i look, or how i speak. "Oh, you speak white" or "you talk white", like the f*ck? I've heard that my whole life I'm saying in general for this career. What do you mean "talk white"? What the f*ck does that mean?

I said f*ck that, why can't Spiderman be black? Why can't James Bon be gay? Why not? like f*ck it! And that's why I open it up with "Black Jesus, Black Jesus". And people are like "What? Black Jesus? What the f*ck?" Like I've got a Black Santa Clause right now in my house

[Booth Session]

I've known Damien for 6-7 years now, maybe even 8 years. And we've just been buddies like through the internet. And we used to do records together. I wasn't sh*t, I wasn't nobody. I knew I wanted him to be on the album, and he dropped EVERYTHING to come out here. With no promise of placement or anything like that, just to see where he could contribute. And I'm sitting down there, and we're working, and I'm like "I think I need some vocals on here". And, like I said, i trust everybody, who knows what's going to happen? You want to go in there, and let's see what you got. He told me before Bobby hit record, that you could hear it in the microphone, his heart pumping

[Damian Lemar Hudson]
And like, I could just feel the magnitude of this moment. And how pivotal it was

He was like "this is 6 years in the making that just came out". And...

I don't know, something just hit me and I started letting loose

[Damian in the booth]

Something about that, some type of [?] grabbed me and let me soar vocally

[Logic while listening]
YES! Praise him! I'm putting this on the album! GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW (to Damian). COME HERE!

You just earned yourself a feature credit

It was like one of those milestones in your career where you know you're just in the right room, and the right mind state. Everything just lined up

I only work with people that are as good and creative as I am in their field. I like when people make me feel f*cking stupid. I like when people are so good at playing strings, or piano, or singing, or whatever that makes me feel talentless. I can't do what they do. Like I'm Batman. I'm Player 1, I'm Super Mario, so are you guys behind the camera, so is 6ix. I don't work with Player 2s, I don't work with Robins. I work with other Batmen, and I know that sounds really weird, but what i mean by that is you, whenever you leave, and you take this camera to do whatever you do, you are a boss. You're a boss, and you go do boss sh*t. But when you're with me, you're under my wing, being a boss, helping me paint my boss-ass picture

With Logic, time to go to the basement. It's my time to shine. Hopefully I have something that actually like fit on the project

[Mos Definitely Interlude]

When i first met [?] I could see this [?]

[Logic in the booth]

[Killer Mike]
I mean, he's a superior lyricist. We already know that. He puts together classic albums, we know that. This is beautiful, it's rich, it's moody, it revs you up and brings you down. It's an ALBUM, and in an age where that may not be important, it's refreshing. You know? so, bravo! I've told him before, I think he's one of the best in the world

Mannnn, come on. Thanks man

[Lucy Rose]
Logic's music makes me feel something. I don't listen to a whole lot of hip-hop or rap music. And when I first met Bobby he did ask me " Why do you listen to my music? Like I don't understand". "Like you play this sweet folk music and then you listen to my music." but there's something about it I just can't explain, but it makes me really feel something

It's kind of scary. I can't explain. like when I first started making music I was willing to sacrifice everything because I had nothing to lose. But now, i have everything to lose. That isn't a bad thing. That just means I have a good life

It makes me work harder. Because I was working so hard to obtain all of this. But now I have to work even harder to keep it
Ooooo I just gave you some fire!

With my last album I went around to radio stations, and I shook hands, and I j*rked people off. And I was like "Yeah what's up!" trying to get radio placements. But not like trying to work for the radio, but like trying to get more people to hear. And this time, I'm like f*ck that sh*t. I'm not going nowhere, i'm not doing any press. This album has already done what it was intended to do, and it was to set me free of any shame the public made me feel. It did what it was intended to do because I don't give a sh*t what anybody else thinks

And I'm really not gonna try to get too much into it, but I had a conversation with J. Cole about the public, and being on social media, and all these things. Like I don't need the public to accept me. I don't need anybody to tell me my music is great, or I'm amazing. Because I know I'm good, I know I'm great, and I know I'm amazing. Just like you, and them, so f*ck anybody else and what they got to say because I know I'm good, and that's what this album is about. Knowing that you're beautiful, you're great, and you're special. Knowing that you are something, were something, and will be something

So f*ck everybody else

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