I know where to go to find green grass to lay in
I know where to go to find a book or some gum
I know where to go to find music to the ears
And I know where to go to find a gun or some drugs
I know where to go to find a hug and some help
I know where to go to find to find shelter and food
I know where to go to find to find God and some don't
So Imma go and find the homeless man some shoes
I know where to go to find to find work to make money
And I know where to go to find a friend with advice
I know where to go to find a doctor in power
And I know where to go to find to find silence at night
Resource center, oh where art thou door?
So many exit signs and so little time to waste
Resource center, oh where art thou door?
It's December and July's at stake
I can go to the river and find the man throwin bait
I can go to the pub and watch pull tabs stack
I can drive down the high way and read while I drive
Whether a map, billboards or the space between the lines
I can help with the garden, I can go get a job
I can dream of an island where we all get along
I can b*tch, I can moan, I can strip it all clean
Cash it in at the junkyard or throw it down stream
I can fill up my tank, I can do something nice
I can put it in the bank and I can ruin someone's life
I'll invest in my head and cash out with my gut
Take a couple steps back and look forward to what? I said
Resource center, oh where art thou door?
So many exit signs and so little time to waste
Resource center, oh where art thou door?
It's September, April, a day full straight to the cop shop
To make a complaint
My neighbor's gone crazy and the baby's awake
The other one mows the lawn as if nothing's wrong
While the garbage man sifts through the recycling crate
We got cardboard, monitors, wires and more
A brand new typewriter and a box full of porn
I got an apple in my mouth and a snake in my hand
I can take a deep breath or just break my way in, I said
Resource center, oh where art thou door?
So many exit signs and so little time to waste
Resource center, oh where art thou door?
It's the lunar eclipse and the moon looks fake
The earth spins round a ball of fire in the sky
While my day slowly fades into a road to my death
I pack my bags that hang like bats from my eyes
Say a prayer for myself and wish the rest of the world my best
Resource center, oh where art thou door?
So many exit signs and so little time to waste
Resource center, oh where art thou door?
I got the key to life so I guess that I'm okay
I say, Resource center, oh where art thou, door?
I got the key to life so I guess I'm okay