Burden lyrics
by Roland Faunte
Chasing after maybes
For my whole life
Was never scary
Until the day
I came across something
That was certain
For the first time
I was shown what my future would be
And it was awful
There was no escape
Except for this one way
That was mentioned
And it offered
At a terrible price
Just one whole life
And you'll be on your way
You know if you stay
You will be such a burden
Spare them all that needless hurting
If you choose to stay
You'll drag all your friends
Around in the mud
You should get ovеr
Yourself and give up
Fate has been clеar
I don't think I will
I think I'll keep going
Though I'm not convinced
That things will be good for me
I'm no longer sure
That they will be so bad
And if that stays a maybe
Then I'll stick around
What a horrid liar
It turned out to be
That said that my future
Would just be a waste
Thought it was my fate
I thought I'll trust this
Then I saw, oh wow you're lying
I will be fine and I was right
For the rest of my days
I'll be on guard for
That one demon's voice
And sometimes even now
It sounds pretty real
And when people smile
I just can't relate
I know if I wait
A little longer
I can win against
The thing that did this
I used to ask
Now it's that same question
Asking why did I make it out
And what am I to do with
My new second chance at life
Write songs about the
Sunrise that destroys eternal night
Different from those
Who left for the quiet
They were all soldiers
Who chose ever silence
And they have my respect
Surely I understand
Now something's changed
The wind or the current
There from the ground
As if out of nowhere
A thought that was sleeping
Rose out of the sea
Guided my past self
And now walks with me
If you choose to stay
You'll drag all your friends
Around in the mud
You should get over
Yourself and give up
Fate has been clear
Those terrible words
I said to myself
So how could I ever
Expect to do well
When the cruelest
And the meanest
And the foulest disease
Gets to use
My own voice
To say that to me