Hate List lyrics
[Verse 1]
Stupid birds chirping when I go to sleep
Talking loud, Black Fridays, hearing people eat
Talking 'bout your mortgage
Sharing street knowledge
Pubic hair in shower
Being out of storage
Guest-lists, dying battery, no find on Shazam
Coke talks, vocal fry, checking stats on gram
Selling stuff in stories
Overdoing “sorries”
Woken up by mama
With a morning glory
And waiting
And loading
The list goes on
The list goes on
The list goes on
The list goes on
And dealing
The list goes on
The list goes on
The list goes on
The list goes on
[Verse 2]
Synthheads, writing lyrics, gigs I don’t fit in
Yotubers making music, garlic breath and gyms
Big ass mid face pimple
Toilets with no signal
Uber driver's questions
Complaining that you're single
Ahead of time deliveries when I’m still asleep
Hanging clothes, dishes, especially changing sheets
Again washing dishes
Calling girls b*tches
Cubical offices
People too ambitious
And waiting
And loading
The list goes on
The list goes on
The list goes on
The list goes on
And dealing
The list goes on
The list goes on
The list goes on
The list goes on
Saxophone solo
Saying no homo
Talking about your weekend
Selfie stick with GoPros
Sock soaked in wet floor
Ask me for tobacco
My glasses being fogged up
Special letters password
Gnocchi, Lamborghini, Nike, Expresso
Croissant, Focaccia, Kositsche, Jalapeño
And waiting
And loading
The list goes on
The list goes on
The list goes on
The list goes on
The list goes on
The list goes on
The list goes on
The list goes on, ey
Stop staring at your phone, girl
When I'm answering your question, girl