Take a look at me now
14 months ago when I was still at may
fild park apartments I was in 8th
grade at the time and you where
about to move you wanted something
of wich I could not give you case I
didint have anything for you you
held on to my arm and you pleaded
for me to go back in the house and
cheek again I finnaly started to walk
away and you held on to my arm
again you wanted me to go back
in the house and cheek again then
you fell and scraped your back and
started yelling at me like its my falt
as we headed through the ditch wasn't
long when we where heading for the
bridge around the coner befor you
said I wasn't a good friend that I
didint care about anyone else but my
self I ignored it and kept going you
kept nagging me I just had to turn
around and yell what the hell do you
want do you rember what you said
you said you wanted me to suffer
the way you did you felt so violated
than we kept walking you started
pushing me now we reach the
bridge on the outher side where you
said you think your life is so perfect
well its not and you need to stop
saying that it is case its not well
you can keep pretending your life
is perfect while I live my non
perfect life case at least I can say my
life isint perfect I just couldn't belive
what you just said that I turnd around
and said b*tch I dont know where you
got the ida of my life being perfect
case you sure as hell didint get it
from me infact you have no ida how
lossed or how I feel inside my life is
far from perfect than you told me you
I wish you would regret this day that
you will not sleep case of this day
and I was frozen solid I didint know
what to say or do I felt my heart stop
I couldn't breath I couldn't move I
blacked out while my legs where
frozen solid than I was looking for
you I was too late you where already
gone and your wish came true I
haven't slept since and I stoped eating
from time to time case of your wish
and now I just want you to look at
me now take a look at me take a look
at me take a look at me im so much
worse now than what I was 14 months
ago I cry myself to sleep almost
every night case I want to tell you
how I feel inside just take a look at
me now take a look at me now take a
look at me now what do you see now
I can't even look at my self with out
feeling sick than everyone else makes
me feel like I dont belong in this
world so I try to kill myself but
than they all freak out and end up
talking me out of it and I can't do
this anymore you and everyone
else they know who they are but you
keep p*ssing me off and I can't get
mad case im not allowed to be mad
at anyone for anything I wish you
could take a look at me now take a
look at me now take a look at me now
and tell me is this what you wanted
never mind dont answer that one day
. it was a day if i rember correctly I
was thinking of you and what we went
through I tryied to hold back the
tears in my eyes but I ended up
having 6 melt downs befor the school
day was over and that night my eyes
flooded with tears I was crying for
about 2 hours stright all case I know
I will most likely never be able to
talk things out with you or if you
would even let me if I did happen to
run into you take a look at me now
take a look at me now THIS SONG