What is wrong with all of you
I littely have absoultely no ida
where to begin at this point and
time the way this school works
is disapointing really you say we
need certin classes to graduate yall
said we needed speech to graduate
but what I dont understand is how
the hell could you sit here and tell
us what classes we f*cking need to
get the hell out of this dam school
you can't even talk to each outher
about who dose what tell me who
the hell is in charge of sining case
manngers and to tell me about it
whos job is it to tell me anything
that has to do anything with me
or are yall so dam f*cking scared
you dont have the dam common
sence to step up to me face to face
and tell me your dam selves with all
you what is wrong with all of you
all this talk bout how you want us to
pass and graduate its all bullsh*t its
nouthing but crap but you dont give
a dam do you youll never actually
listin you have no comman sence to
keep everyone informed with
anything but what I find so
devstating is the fact that yall have
the school behind yall care so much
bout the money there f*cking blind
to realize the scools dam systems is
f*cking stupid look around who the
hell do you think your dealing with
think about it if nouthing else think
about who can stand up and answer
me what is wrong with you what is
wrong with you what is wrong
please tell me take the time to
open up your eyes and you see this
isint working yall are just in thire
for the money your telling us you
care but what you really want is the
money tell me face to face thats not
true I dare you infact I triple dog
dare you to come tell me face to
face and tell me its not about the
money you can't can you and thats
sad we shouldn't be worried bout
money as long as we all can work
togather and help each outher out
but yall are so dam into the f*cking
compation yall dont give a f*ck
whats wrong with you whats wrong
with you everyone is differnt deal
with it no one is not ment to be the
same everyone is special in there
own way yet yall try so f*cking
hard to be the same and for what
whey try to be someone your not
let me tell you everyone has a
dream how ever not everyone works
hard to make it come true and for
that reason yall do what your doing
now its rediculise and sad whats
wrog with you whats wrong with you
whats wrong with you THIS SONG