Brain Damge lyrics


Natalie Marie Howell

Brain Damage
I wa just 2 months old when I had
brain damge and only died for 2
hours but when I came back I was

sick almost every day had trouble
breathing had surgery and recoverd
sure I have a learning disablitiy but

thats not bout to get in my way you
think im disabled let me explain
something to you as long as I am

alive I will always go after what I
dream one day I will be a singer &
song writer one day I will help

people get off the streets and feed
familys who cant eat every day just
case I had brain damge at 2 months

old you dont think I can get a job
and keep it tell me how sad is
that and you wonder whey I dont

like people very much course this
isint the only reason but I never
came on its only brain damge its

not as bad as you think oh wait do
you just not think at all and if you
do think what is it you think about

certinly not well if she set here
mind and heart to something she
might be able to do more than

what we could ever imagin like I
said its only brain damge brain
damge bs rain damge so whats

the big deal I can steel see,hear,etc,
I just cant learn like outhers is that
really a probblem case if it is than

your impossible case im not like
the world and dont want to be
I cant wait to leave this world

and not come back all the pain and
scars just keeps buliding mabe its
case I let people walk all over me

mabe case im tired of seeing &
hearing people dying case we cant
get along instead we have to fight

and go into war to fight for land,
food and equipment that where not
gonna keep when this world comes

to a end or when one by one we all
start dying you think your helping
people but what your really doing

is tearing familys apart and killing
innicent people and it still goes on

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