Just listin to me 4 once
Some of you tell me I have a voice
and it needs to be herd some of you
have herd me but didint listin so
everyday you ask me if im ok, do
I have a boyfriend, do I want a
boyfriend, whey do I not want a
relationship, are you a boy or a girl
like you really cant tell but you
always find a way to twist my
story into your own them you
wonder whey you cant here my
voice just listin to me 4 once
just listin to me 4 once and dont
cut me off case this is the last time
im gonna say this I dont want a
relationship with anyone in this
world for manny reasons 1 people
through stuff at me 2 they always
play he said/she said 3 they take off
running from me when I turn
around they really havent grown up
manny times it is said that people
are mean becase of whats going on
around them or what they been
through not saying thats a reason to
take it out on people who hasnt
done anything to you just listin
to me 4 once just listin to me 4 once
case I will not say this again I dont
hate people I hate the fact that they
feel like they gotta be mean to feel
happy about them selves you
wonder whey I care so much
what people think,feel & say its
case no one else here on earth
dose and thats sad dont sit there
and tell me people care case if you
did you would know whose hurting
inside and whose not tell me is
going into war over land worth it is
it worth killing people and tearing
familys apart what ever happend to
treating outhers the way you
wanted to be treated or in order to
love someone else you must frist
love your self you know I was just
thinking if all we do is fight over
everything how can we trust each
outher everyones so caught up in
money case it gives them a home
and a way to live life but really
we all should just let go of
everything dosent matter what
it is just let everything go for
those who still think I dont use
my voice than just listin to me 4
once just listin 4 once case I will
not say it again I hold everything
inside case I cant let it go
everything I hold inside I cant
let it out case the verey second it
comes out of me you will be beyond
worried about me fbi and the
goverment will both be after me
and I will be gone no longer in
this world so if you really want
to hear my voice and think my voice
is worth hearing than for once in a
life time just listin to me for once
just listin to me for once with out
cutting me off its up to you if you
hear my voice or not THIS SONG
AGE 18