I will walk 2 your grave lyrics


Natalie Marie Howell

I will walk 2 your grave
every day since I found out your
time has come to leave this world
I try to look at the bright side

knowing youll be in a better place a
place where theres no pain whats so
ever I try so hard to not cry my self

to sleep but not knowing how much
longer you have knowing I might
not get the chance to see u one

last time just to say good bye for
the last time it is the main reason
whey I just can't help but break

down and cry no matter where I am
its bad enough I couldn't come see
you regulary like I wanted to but

now now that your time has come
to a end what will happen to me
where would I be in life case I

dont know trying not to miss you
so much makes things worse and
if I have to I will walk to your

grave just to see you I will walk to
your grave weather I walk in heals
or I walk barefoot I will walk to

your grave just to see you one last
time if I could I would take your
place in a heart beat but belive

me when I say I will walk to your
grave and thats a blood promise
im not asking for anyones

permession im saying I will walk to
your grave I will walk to your
grave even if it means I have to

fight people who stand in my way
I will walk to your grave I will
walk to your grave bare foot or

in heals I will walk to your grave

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