Take me a way from this world
I have nomore energy inside me
I dont feel anything anymore im not
agervated not mad not happy or
sad I just dont feel anything
anymore mabe im over stressed
maybe im over worn out what ever
it is now its like I could just shut
down and not come back so go
ahead take me away from this
world take me away from this world
I dont care where as long as its
quite and I was left alone instead
of listing to people fight all the
time day in and day out instead
of hearing about people talking
about me behind my back and than
call the plioce on me dont ask me
whey im p*ssed how bout you figger
it out I hered so manny times come
ask anything but I dont ask
anything case im afraid I dont
ask anything case no body knows
dont you dare sit there and tell me
im wrong case I still rember no one
bouthered to tell me I had a new
case mannager so when I ask
about it no body knows whats
going on or whoes in charge of
what then all of a sudden im just
suposed to know everything when
no one bouthers to tell me about it
so please take me a way from this
world case I just can't take it any
more theres nouthing I can do
nouthing I can say anymore
everyday I relive memorys
even if you can't tell im always
reliveing memorys whey case I
still force everything inside every
day I come to a school in which I
try to make work but all I do is get
burnd sometimes I dont see a reson
to be in this world anymore go
ahead freak out call fbi's most
wanted tell the world that a girl
has been houlding everything inside
all the pain she has kept inside and
now shes just letting it all out short
of look I know I have a voice but
this voice of mine just keeps gettin
cut off now if theres nouthing more
someone anyone please just take me
out of this world take me out of this
world dont tell me all this bull sh*t
about how you want me around and
need me case truth is some of you
want me dead I just can't figger out
whey you haven't killed me yet no
one can't seem to tell me what there
probblem is mabe I just wasn't
supossed to be here I dont know
what to belive so dont ask me
please just dont ask me anything
instead just take me out of this
world take me out of this world
it would just be better if I left
this world so please take me away
from this world THIS SONG WAS