Ill always be standing
I put up with a lot as you can
probbley tell I put up with people
calling me names anf thoughing
stuff at me ill even put up with
people setting me on fire but no
matter what you do or what you
say dosent matter how manny times
you hurt me or try to break me
down ill always be standing ill
always be standing even when I
walk or find my self in fire even
when im in my darkest hour it will
always be ok case no one in this
life is in control you can get
caught up in this world or you
wake up look at whats going on
all your doing is ending familys
by taking the people away from
them you know I try so hard to stay
strong when everything is just
crashing down I try so hard to
pretend im ok when im not but even
than ill always be standing even
when I fall or mess up ill always
be standing you know what I cant
understand whey do we all look
for a reason to hate each outher
some people mudder outher people
outhers commit sucide or attempt to
commit sucide becase they feel like
they dont have a reason to live
wonder where that feeling comes
from but mainly whey cant people
accept people 4 who they are is it
that hard to do if all you had to do
in life was accept each outher for
who they are on the inside but even
then mabe if people would just
listin for once I know how bad
this econemy has been and still is I
know that we dont have a good
goverment or prezedint for that
matter but you know what outher
people have it so much worse we
steel have freedom some people
dont you know what kills me more
than anything is seeing people out
on the streets and familys who cant
eat every day or at all for that
matter I wish there was something I
can do but right now I just feel
useless but even so ill always be
standing becase im not alone in
this life I have family/friends who
care for me and love me for who I
am but most of all I have a Father
king/ Savior/friend who will never
leave my side no matter what ive
done even if I failed manny times
hes always here with open arms
ill always be standing ill always be
standing dosnent matter how
broken I am dosent matter what I
feel case im not the one in control
for that reason ill always be
standing ill always be standing
even if you kill me with words or
actions ill always be standing ill
always be standing THIS SONG
AGE 18