What happend 2 us lyrics


Natalie Marie Howell

What happend 2 us
every one just shut the f*ck up
and listin Korry I dont care what
Terry reminds you of he is not like

your step father or anyone in your
family who has hurt you im not
taking sides so dont give me the

bull sh*t about whose side im on
Cherelle you have to wake up and
look at whats going on I know you

and Korry have a daughter and
Faith needs both here mouther and
father but are you really gonna risk

lossing your whole family just
to be with korry please dont tell
me im choosing sides case really

I dont want to shut you guys out of
my life Marissa, Suzan, Terry I
know yall are hurting inside your

all tired of the bull sh*t that goes on
between all of you hell im f*cking
tired of watching all of you go into

a bloody war because yall cant
seem to accept each outher for
who yall are and that kills me

if God is mad let him take it out on
me let me be the one to go down in
flames case theres nouthing I can

do to get yall to get away so if God
is p*ssed bout whats going on please
let him take it out on me I know one

day I would have to choose between
yall and I know if we gave up it will
be painful case as im wrighting this

out im creating a beyond blood
bath inside and killing my self
continuly you just wont be able to

tell for a while case I wont show it
but trust me when I say im destroyin
myself on the inside right now case

of all these lies and secrets all this
talk bout leaving or killing your
self I tried so hard and hoped for

as long as I could that one day you
all would just get along and accept
each outher for who you really

are now I keep thinking and after
hearing all of you im sorry cant do
this anymore Cherrel,Korry &

Fayth im sorry as much as this all
kills me I am aware that once I say
this you will not allow me to see

Fayth ever again and we cant ever
see here again but this is where I
tell you I cant keep this up anymore

this is where I leave this world and
not come back go ahead try to talk
me out of it give me a hell of reason

to belive that this is over that you
all can get along and accept people
for who they are case as of now

theres nouthin I can do I told yall
befor that I could never choose
between yall that it would kill me

inside if I had to countless times I
had this feeling and now this day is
comeing I was just hopeing I was

wrong and that we could all just get
along by the way Cherelle your dad
was hitting on me and you can tell

him to stay out of my life for good
sorry but this is what its come down
to if there was something I could do

something I could say for yall to
just accept each outher for who
yall really are I would but I cant

force you to put up with anyone you
cant seem to deal with right now all
I know is I will never be the same

again I will put up with a lot ill
even put up with some of the we say
to each outher and do to each

outher but now that its all come
down to this I gotta leave this world
I gotta leave this world I cant put

up with this like I said befor if God
is p*ssed please let him take it out
on me case I can not stand by and

watch yall get hurt again im
already with pain/anger/stress etc.
but yall have a daughter togather

and one day shes gonna know who
we all are and whey you cant let
here come see us anymore how

do you think Fayth will react when
she learns the whole truth bout
what was said and done she would

most likey be destressed but hey its
not like yall could just eaisly accept
each outher just to stay friends and

here I thought family cares suposed
to stick by you though everything I
thought family do one of the most

important thing in life but look at
us now whey all of us is falling
apart and as for me im starting

a blood bath inside what happend
to us what have we all done for this
I dont know bout you but im sorry

for everything God im sorry for
what was said and done im sorry
we no longer can stay togather like

a faimly once again ive let you
down and im sorry for breaking
your heartn again


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