I can't hould on any longer
sometimes its hard to see where
your going something its hard
to look at where you have
been feeling like you just can't let
go of the pain you been houlding
in all this time thinking back
realizing people only hurt you day
in and day out its all we can do but
then people will say and do any
thing to get you p*ssed people tell
you not to be mad at them for
anything they tell you to let
your anger out yet they want you to
hould it all in and you dont know
what to do and all I can say at this
point is that I can't hould on any
longer I can't hould on any longer
houlding in but the pain pretending
im ok wheb im not trying so hard to
hid how I really feel case I can't let
it out im at a dead end and no
where to go nouthing to say feeling
like your trapped in a prizion that
you just can't get out of look at me
I can't hould on any longer I can't
hould on any longer I can't hould
on any longer I can't hould on any
longer I can't hould on any longer
even if I tried even if I tried to
make things work out it just
explodes right befor you and your
right back to where you started
lossed, hopeless, scared, hurt
broken thats me right this very
moment I can't hould on any longer
I can't hould on any longer I can't
hould on any longer I can't live like
this anymore going back and forth
trying to find out the truth being
pulled left and right not knowing
what to do I just gatta stop
breathing for a while just to shut
my body down while this war goes
on for years and still dont get any
where that finnaly I just gotta say
I can't hould on any longer I can't
hould on any longer no matter what
I do I can't hold on any longer