Dont you ever get tired of fighting
dont you ever get tired of fighting
tired of risking the lives of the ones
you love so much and for what for
land populartiy tell me whey is it
people want to fight so much you
wonder whey theres so many wars
its case we can't seem to stop
fighting at all dosnt it get old after
a while I know im tired of watching
people die are hearing about
someones death all case we can't
seem to put aside our differnces
look everyone is differnt in thier
own way just gonna have to accept
it case you can't change it so now
think about it and tell me dont you
ever get tired of fighting dont you
ever get tired of fighting people
look for many reasons to fight
weather its case of cheating
lack of communication or
if someone you cared about died
case of mudder and you figger
out who the mudderer was and
you go and kill them tell me how
dose that make you feel inside
I know for fact ill feel crapy
about it and I would regret it for
life is that what you want or do
you want peace and friends
put away the differnces and focous
on what you have in comman dont
you ever get tired of fighting dont
you ever get tired of fighting seeing
how all it really dose is build up
along with hate and pain than
you find your self stressed and
looking for ways to take it out
on people which happens to be
fighting what I dont understand is
whey I mean dont you ever get tired
of fighting dont you ever get tired
of fighting THIS SONG WAS