When you feel like you can't hold on thats when you hould on the hardst
when you feel like you can't hold on
thats when you hold on the hardst
when you feel like you just can't
seem to do anything right when
every road your on is a dead end
and darkness flares all around you
just put a end to it all it dosent have
to keep going on like this anymore
all the pain and anger you held
inside for so long just can't hould
back anymore you feel it coming
out but it dosent come out at all
I know what thats like case ive been
there befor all I can say is when
you feel like you can't hould on
thats when you hould on the hardest
yea I know its hard when people tell
you to let it out and when you do
they make a big deal out of it you
feel like your the reason everything
that goes wrong is case of you even
when its not its still feels that way I
know case ive been there befor
when you watching the people
you care about fall apart your
asking yourself what did you do
where did you go wrong you never
let it go if it feels like your falling
apart inside you lossed all hope of
getting out of a mess of a dark
whole thats so deep so far down it
hurts you just decid to let go thats
when.... when you feel like you can't
hould on thats when you hould on
the hardest when you feel like you
can't hould on thats when you hould
on the hardest when people put you
through hell and they just won't
listin to you just keep going keep
houlding on case in the end dose it
really matter yes it dose but what
can I do how can I for get every
thing I been through when it keeps
coming back tell me when some one
through stuff at you when they set
you on fire or bite your arm just
case you won't give them what they
want is that any reason to give any
one what they want feeling like you
can't do anything right people tell
you you dont have a reason to be
here but you do and I know its hard
and you feel like you just can't pull
through with what ever your going
through right now im here to tell
you when you feel like you can't
hould on thats when you hould on
the hardest when you feel like you
can't hould on thats when you hould
on the hardest when you feel like
you can't hould on thats when you
hould on the hardest thats when you
hould on the hardest case your
comeing to a end you no longer
have to put up with the bull sh*t
people try to pull every day when
they keep nagging you to the point
where you just can't take it anymore
just rember when you feel like you
can't hould on thats when you hould
on the hardest when you feel like
you can't hould on thats when you
hould on the hardst thats when you
hould on hould back what you want
to let out case people just gonna
keep going even if you dont do
anything to them or what they still
gonna nagg you and pull at you till
you give them what they want but
its up to you if your ready to give
them what they want its up to you
to decid who you trust and who you
can't trust when life gets too hard
and you can't stop from killing
yourself stop and think bout the
people who care for you think
about how they would feel if
you killed your self now I know I
reached that point I regret trying
to kill my self but now is the time
where I put a end to it ill put a end
to all pain in the histotry of pain
life is way to short to start up fights
or put people out of house life is to
short to not eat ever day life is too
short for people to kill outher
people or rape outhers and for
what what dose it do for you so next
time you reach this point and if all
feels like its just way too much to
handle keep this in mind when you
feel like you can't hould on thats
when you hould on the hardst when
you feel like you can't hould on
thats when you hould on the hardst
case you never know what the Lord
has instore for you its hard to see
when people crowd around you
expecting one thing from anything
whey asking you for manny like you
one of them may begin with or with
out people who just can't seem to
understand that something you
just want to be left alone to think
no inturptions for anythingbut than
they drag you in the middle of a
fight and you have to decid how its
going to end you won't like it but
they did get you into it so you just
put a end to it all you just stand
there like nouthing happend but
what your really doing is your
putting there anger on top of yours
and it just keeps bilding up people
p*ss me off yet I hould back people
let this anger off at me and I figger
when you feel like you can't hold on
thats when you hould on the hardst
when people can't accept you for
who you are accept them just the
way they are case there just like
you just differnt reaction its not
easy but stilleven though you just
can't seem to hould on anymore
when all hells bout to break loose
keep this in mind when you feel like
you can't hould on thats when you
hold on the hardst when you can't
hold on thats when you hold on the
hardst when all seems lost and all
you see the darkness rember this
when you feel like you can't hold on
thats when you hold on the hardst