Every day I wonder whey no one can't tell me
Whats going on
dont just dont talk to me at all if
you can't come to me and tell me
stright up whats going on whey
what would be the point on talking
2 me excatly there isint and every
day I wonder whey no one can't
tell me whats going one every day
I wonder whey no one can't tell me
whats going on every day I wonder
whey no one can't tell me whats
going on I always find out from
someone else you know what that
feels like I start wondering do you
really trust me like you say you do
do you really trust me like you say
you do please dont tell me I should
know case I figger if you can't tell
me stright up whats going on I dont
have your trust case every day I
wonder whey no one can't tell me
whats going on every day I wonder
whey no one can't tell me whats
going on yet they all want to know
whats going on through my mind
they want to know what im up to
and where im going as if I was
going to hurt myself but whey
should I tell you anything if every
day I wonder whey no one can't tell
me whats going on every day I
wonder whey no one can't tell me
whats going on you know what whey
dose it matter you dont want to tell
me anything thats fine just dont get
p*ssed when I freeze and shut my
body off dont get p*ssed if I turn
into flams case every day I wonder
whey no one can't tell me whats
going on every day I wonder whey
no one can't tell me whats going on
every day I whey no one can't tell
whats going on every day I wonder
whey no one can't tell me whats
going on THIS SONG WAS