Make eveything stop
make everything stop just make
everything stop case clearly I can't
seem to think stight or get my mind
togather while time goes on thing
after anouther and it just keeps
going so when you ask me whats
on my mind I always ask you where
do you want me to strart case my
mind isint organized I can't really
think stright unless you make
everything stop make everything
stop make everything stop you
say im to young to stress but check
back with me when your still
wondering whey you had battales
you regret and wish you could take
back but knowing you can't you
want me to be relaxed but I just
can't not when I got too much to
work with and not enough time
you always ask whey I make
everything so complicated when it
dosent have to be step into my mind
and less than a min youll wish
someone would eventually make
everything stop make everything
stop make everything stop make
everything stop case its all just too
much to short out while old
memmorys run around my mind like
some short of game that never ends
when all you see is the pain you
been through and listin to what was
said you realize that its like if you
dont give them what they want
theyll put you through extream hell
and all youll be able to say is will
someone make everthing stop make
everything stop make everythig stop
make everything stop I dont care
who dose it I just want someone
to make everything stop I want to
be able to clear my mind with out
being iturupted all the time but for
that to happen I need someone to
make everthing stop THIS SONG
AGE 18