whey am I always stuck in the middle
whey am I always stuck in the
middle whey am I always stuck
in the middle this battale between
the 6 of you is killing me inside I
cant just stand by and do nouthing
yet I have absoultuly no ida what
to do or what to say I hate seeing
yall go down hill like thats whats
gonna happen to us how is this
battale gonna go down whoes
gonna fall apart whoes gonna
stand till the end whey am I
always stuck in the middle whey am
I always stuck in the middle I cant
decide who to stay friends with
because where family not friends
and we shouldnt be in this postion
at all look at us whats gonna
happen now whey am I always stuck
in the middle whey am I always
stuck in the middle yall tell me I
dont have to decide who to stay
friends with and who to let go yet
I still have that feeling inside so
than whey am I always stuck in the
middle whey am I always stuck in
the middle I hear any of you tell me
im not stuck in the middle ill start
breaking and burning everything
in my way whey am I always stuck
in the middle theres no way out of
this battale someones gonna get
burnd scars will apear some deeper
than outhers so now whats gonna
happen whose going wear will this
family stick togather or will we all
fall apart point is whey am I always
stuck in the middle whey am I
always stuck in the middle whey am
I always stuck in the middle
knowing for fact I cant decide who
to let go and who to keep I just cant
and sitting around wondering what
im suposed to say or do its killing
me inside yes I pretend im ok all
the time but when yall put me in the
middle of the battale I just cant so
than tell me whey am I always stuck
in the middle whey am I always
stuck in the middle its so hard to
see yall like this and not knowing
what to do or say tell me whey am I
always stuck in the middle whey am
I always stuck in the middle