Caged up inside lyrics


Natalie Marie Howell

Caged up inside
all along I felt lossed and hopeless
left alone in the darkness all I ever
did was see nouthing but pain,anger

stress, hurt all this time when I had
to see the ones I care about just fall
apart right befor me I tried to say

something I tried to do something
but I was just caged up inside I
alwasy pull back when people

despreatly try to start up battales
case the pain im in but dont want
want anyone to know I been told

so manny times I have a voice that I
should use it but I been cut off so
manny times yall dont rember me

ever using my voice infact only
time you really know my voice is
when im singing and once again

im caged up inside caged up inside
caged up inside many times I tried
telling my life story yet no one ever

listin you just cut me off and go do
your own thing talk to people
around you laugh bout nouthin yet

you still bouther trying to figger me
out whey whats the point what is it
your looking for all youll find is a

girl caged up inside traped in life
waiting for only one Savior one
king one father to help me here

find out who she is what shes mad
for near times shell be caged up
inside caged up inside every

memory shes ever created flowing
through here mind both good and
bad times roming around into deep

thought and for what just to find
out who she is where she belongs
in this life many times I writeing

my life story turnd it all into songs
through my life will come to a end
my story will live on no matter what

I mabe caged up inside right now
but one day I will come out as the
inner me the person I was created

to be just needs time to figger that
out right now untill than ill be
caged inside caged inside caged

inside this life you can walk over
me take achentace of but really
what your doing is becoming part

of my life story that will be known
when im no longer caged up inside


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