As of now I will never use my voice again
you know I had so many people tell
me or ask me how im doing whats on
my mind and what I feel inside they
all have asked me about
relationships and whey I dont have
one I tried to tell you vocicley but
you cut me off I wrote it out 100
differnt times in 100 differnt ways
and yet you still dont seem to know
me instead you rather just tell my
story for me though you havent
been with me from the very begining
mabe its something I said mabe its
something ive done but no matter
what it is or how many times I try
to tell you my life story you just cut
me off every time your worried
about me you talk about it behind
my back thinking I wont find out and
when I do you ask me whey im
p*ssed I mabe 18 years old and not
have a job just yet and not pay any
bills at the moment but that dosent
mean I dont have a reason to
stressed out as much as I am I try so
hard to pretend im ok when im not
every day I say im ok but really I
just dont know what to say but I
been thinking if all your gonna do
is cut me off then all I have to say
is as of now I will never use my .
voice again as if now I will never
use my voice again because im just
wasting my breath by trying to tell
my life story and you just dont care
about it until of course im p*ssed
and you wanna know whey once I
tell you I hear you have no reason
to be mad at me cas I havent done
anything to you serisly your gonna
say that to me when I just told you
what I was p*ssed about are you
that stupid now I know people worry
about me I know they care about me
and I aprecate that but if you have
any problems that some how
involves me in anyway whats so ever
and instead of comeing to me you
just call the plioce I will have a
problem when you tell me to watch
what I say whey do you always think
im quite about almost everthing and
try so hard to be alone its because
if I cant say what I want to say
your basicly telling me I cant use
my voice now with that said as of
now I will never use my voice again
as of now I will never use my voice
again I dont care who it is or what
the situatation is my voice clearly
dosent matter at all so as of now I
will never use my voice again as of
now I will never use my voice again
till you can give me a hell of a
reason whey I should still use my
voice till you can stop cutting me off
all the time and just listin to me than
I will use my voice again but until
that day comes all I can say is as of
now I will never use my voice again
I will never use my voice again
dosent matter what the case is just
had enough of this as of now I will
never use my voice again THIS