Song book part 1 lyrics


Natalie Marie Howell

Song book
summery this book will only include the songs I have written so fare and the story behind each song. Some of my songs may be simualre or the same but that is most likey because I went through the same thing more than once. I hope that for some of you who reads this book would realize the pain I kept inside and know that it dosent feel good to make someone else feel unwanted or like they dont belong in this world. If you read this book and come across a song about you READ IT VERY CARFULLY AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN UNTILL YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I BEEN TRYING TO SAY ALL ALONG BUT COULDNT BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS SEEMED TO CUT ME OFF AND NOT GIVE A CRAP. Note: this song book will have a few songs that might or will make someone worried and call the plioce or goverment or who ever they want to call because you think im still on that road when im not. Aside from all this I hope you enjoy the book and the songs that are about to be written in this book. Now befor I get started ALL MY SONGS COMES FROM DAY DREAMING WHATS BEEN ON MY MIND HOW I FELT INSIDE AND THINGS I WANTED TO SAY AND DO BUT COULDNT BECAUSE OF THE LAW OR OUT OF RESPECT FOR PEOPLE WHO DROVE ME COMPLETEY INSAIN AND IM TALKING TO THE POINT WHERE LIFE JUST DIDINT MATTER TO ME. each song will be its own chapter so some chapters will be longer or shorter than the outhers thats fine. Think I coverd the most important thing for now so lets get started shall we.

Chapter 1 Jesus take my life from me
This song called Jesus take my life from me because where I was living people never really wanted to know how I was doing. They just rather me tell them everything is ok just because im alive and im breathing and there peopel who are in worse situations than what I am in right now. Heres the thing I care about people I care about what they say how they feel and whats on thier mind. When I hear that childern cant eat every day or they have to go into work labor because of the envimernt they live in it tears me apart than I see people out on the street and I cant help but feel like I gatta help them some how even if it means I gotta build a house for them myselves because no one should be out on the street and no one should have to worry about weather or not they can feed thire familys that day or not its not just sad its disapointing and heart breaking. So when you dont want to hear about what im feeling than the only thing im doing is telling you what you want to hear which means all I been doin was pretending im ok when im not. I also wrote this song because it was my way of talking to Jesus during the day when everyone around me was nagging me or making a lot of noise around me.
Jesus take my life from me

Jesus take my life from me take
control of my life for me because
I just can't go anouther day trying

to pretnd im ok when I dont know
what to say or do a lot of people dont
want to hear me tell them im not ok

so when they ask me if im ok or not
the only thing I can manage to say
is im fine nouthing real but you

know excatly what im feeling and
I dont have to pretend everythings ok
when im with you so please Jesus

take my life from me Jesus take my
life from me case I can't take charge
of this life any more Jesus how do

you see my life what is it you see
in me that has value in your eyes
when im just nouthing but a tangled

up mess always surround by the
darkness of this world have I loved
anyone just as you lovd me and people

like me many times my mind wondred
off it seems so real but unless my mind
wonders off on you I dont want my

mind to wonder off at all Jesus take
my life from me Jesus take my life
from me case I can't live this life

myself anymore please Jesus take
my life from me THIS SONG WAS


ok so one day I was reading my bible with a lot on my mind and my feelings was all over the place. Than I came across where Jesus was talking about knowing who he was what hes done for them. We have a choice we can pretend Jesus dosent exist or we could let the whole know that we belive in Jesus our savior. Than all of a sudden I had a feeling inside that I had to start writeing about what I just read and thats how I came to writeing this song.
If You Deny Me In Front Of your Friends I Will Deny You In Front Of My Father

many peopel say they love Jesus
but how manny will go to worlds
end just to show how much they

love Jesus will you deny him in
front friends I know I won't you
can ask who ill live for and who

I gave my life to and ill tell you I
gave everything to Jesus who saved
my life and died for me and I dont

care who knows about it because
when you read what Jesus said he
said " if you deny in front of your

friends I will deny you in front of
my Father if you deny me in front
of your friends I will deny you in

front of my Father now I dont know
about you but that stood out to me
because if you care so much what

people think your not really getting
the above all im working on not
worrying what people say or think

yea it will take time but I will tell u
this I know im not alone I have a
friend, Savior, and a king waiting

to bring me home his name is Jesus
if you deny me infront of your
friends ill deny you infront

of my Father so what will you do
will you deny Jesus in front of your
friends or will you tell the world

what he has done for you in your
life right now im working on a
book and ill be sure to tell about

him in every chapter I can case he
never left my side so think about it
think about what he said when he

said if you deny me infront of your
friends I will deny you in front of
my Father


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