If I could just dissaper and not be found
if I could just dissper and not be fond I wouldnt
have to keep houlding everything inside im tired of watching out
for things ive wanted to say and do weather because it was
against the law, I loved God far too much to carry it out
or just case of my age verese there age sometimes it could be
all of the above every day I pretend im ok case no
one wants to hear the pain I go throgh every day
whey I havent killed myself yet because I belive God
has a plan for me how ever lately everything just
case im on me and all I want is to dissaper and
not be found least not be boutherd by anyone at
all still cant figger out whats wrong with me if I
said something if I done something to them im sorry
I didint mean to hurt anyone now its like if I could
just dissper and not be be fond if I could just
dissaper and not be found if I can just vanish into
thin air who would notice me gone who wouldnt care
what if I left a note explaning whey I left and
whey you cant find me no matter how hard you
tryed I mean if I could just dissaper and not be found mabe
this world would be a better place mabe people
I just cant take it anymore having all this pain locked
upinside for years I wanted to let go to forget
it all happend and just move on but its impossible
case people keep bringing it up again finnaly enogh is
enough that I just gatta say if I could just
dissaper if I could just dissaper would this
word be a better place would people be able
to get along better than what they do now I
mean I seem to be the reason everything goes
wrong if I could just dissaper and not be found