Space Cowboys lyrics
by XavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffX
Saddle the space horses
It's time to fly!
Our journey to Planet Gore starts tonight!
Lush Utopia!
Turned into sinew and fat!
Ready to Ride!
Galloping through time and space
Lightyears pass as we fade away!
On our way, we gallop through space
Searching for those guilty of interplanetary sin!
Lightyears pass as we fade away!
On our way, we gallop through space
Searching for those guilty of interplanetary sin!
A pirate ship in the distance!
We have to try and catch them!
We'll make them beg and scream for their lives!
They have a bounty on their heads and we'll return them when they're dead
The bounty's ours and there will be no trial!
This ship is ours!!!
Invading their ships!
These motherf*ckers gonna get a taste of my clip!
Creeping up with guns in hand!
Killing them like there's no tomorrow
Guns ablaze as blood floods the deck
This ship's 'bout to become a wreck. Go!
Make sure all the pirates are dead
We searched beneath the deck to find a large object cloaked in white
Tug at the veil to reveal a monstrous machine built to kill
I knew it all along!
These pirate sc*m were hired to bring upon Armageddon by turning all planets into raw meat so an unknown species can now feast!
We will not rest until those responsible are dead!
Armed with our guns and our trusty steeds!
Bringing intergalactic corruption and end with every enemy that bleeds!
I will search until I've discovered the unknown race and wiped them from existence