Veil of Moonlight lyrics
by XavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffX
"On a frosty winters night, a man screams out in agony...
Mortally wounded he bleeds out upon the forest floor
As he takes his final breath the trees begin to sway and whisper
A figure looms over him and brings his corpse to life
"What have you done unto me? My conscience is here but my hearts not beating?"
The figure removes its cloak to reveal a woman of immense beauty
"Risen from the dead to serve me!
Risen from the dead as a sacrifice!"
"Where are you taking me?"
"To my lair at the edge of the swamp."
"What are your plans with me?"
"Oh my love, you'll soon find out."
"I will not allow this!"
"I'm afraid you have no choice."
"Witch I'll have your head!"
"I'd like to see you try!"
The figure then to him back to her lair where she lay him down upon the muddy floor and drew a circle round him whilst she chanted in Latin:
"Corpus meam ad praefinitum tempus iam habiti et mortuus est"
The wind begins to howl
The trees speak of death and evil
Sulphur engulfs the air as a swamp boils over
Smoke and toxic fumes fill the lungs
This once dead soldier a hollow corpse
"Risen from the dead to serve me
Risen from the dead as a sacrifice"
"This Hollow Corpse"
"Will harbor his soul"
"Come forth my love"
"I Long for your touch!"
"Can you hear me, my love? Please open your eyes! I've done this all for you!"
"Do my eyes play tricks upon me or is that you my love that I see? Say it ain't so."
"I thought I'd never speak to you again but here you are my love, nothing can tear us apart. Love eternal! My heart forever yours."
"Take my hand let us dance again beneath the pale stars. My love for you is eternal and I won't let you go until its DONE!!!"
A Waltz with the wicked!
They danced hand in hand and disappeared into the forest!