Unscathed but malfunctioning
I did go through a torrential hell
Still i don't think it's internal damage
Just a misfire alignment maybe
Decalibrated even my guesses whizz by their marks.
Unconscious of their own ineptitude
They pierce the scenic background and
My surroundings writhe in pain
An immediate surge of pity without reflection
Reflexively my being fashions parental composure
And just as quickly i become like a doctor
Who is being paid an absurd sum of money
To treat a child he knows to be incurable...
I live the struggle.
The child laughs when she coughs...
She's too weak to do so otherwise
I treat her like a bird; talking to her
In short kind gestures from the distance of my thoughts
I feel we are 2 raindrops on a mirror
I stay away for fear we shall both
Dissolve each other's nature.
I cover her cage at any hint of abstraction
Even though i'm as cold as an obsidian ceremonial dagger
We always die in each other's arms.