1) See who's viewing
2) Thread Tools
3) Upload Audio Feature Request for Annotations
4) A "Move Threads" feature for displaced thread topics on the wrong Forum
5) Museum tour app
6) Recursive Timeline Feature
7) Swag Raffle
8) Thread Polls
9) Automated Messages For New Users
10) Show Artist on Album Results
11) RG new user buddy system
12) Drawing tool for Art Genius
13) Education Genius Flash Card Formatting
14) Hover Over Preview Annotation Feature
15) Ability To Follow Albums
16) Need “Social Media Share Button Activities” to show up for the Activity Stream Tab please
17) Early Transcription Locking
18) Make a sister site for producer Genius
19) "Death To Channels"
20) Math Genius Symbol Idea
21) Space for a Goals section
22) Premade Templates for Reviews
23) Split Screen Long Distance Movie Making
24) Screen Genius 2.0
25) Sorting for firehose/activity pages
26) Messaging upon rejecting suggestion/annotation
27) Proofread Genius
28) Instructions on Promotion
29) Moderators can move threads
30) Merge Annotations