For the rest of August I will be focusing on putting in a decent amount of work in at least 1 tag every day. This is to doc*ment my progress and to refer to at a later time.
- 8-10-2014
- 8-11-2014
- 8-12-2014
- 8-13-2014
- 8-14-2014
Considering going through every Twitter friend and offering to build tag pages/just flat out building them tag pages.
- 8-15-2014
- 8-16-2014
- 8-17-2014
- 8-18-2014
- 8-19-2014
- 8-20-2014
- 8-21-2014
- 8-22-2014
- 8-23-2014
- 8-24-2014
- 8-25-2014
- 8-26-2014