Wittgenstein stumbled upon this long before I did, he just didn't have the means to actualize his thought process.
"That which has to be in common with the sentence and the fact cannot be said in language, it can only be shown"
Wittgenstein's thoughts can be boiled down into a formula:
P --- All atomic propositions
E --- Any set of propositions
N(E) --- The negation of all the propositions making up (E)
The whole symbol means whatever can be obtained by taking any set of atomic propositions, negating them all, then taking any selection of the propositions now obtained, together with any of the originals-- and so on indefinitely
Sound familiar?! This is precisely what my project aims to do. Precisely.
P --- Master Table
E --- Layer of pull strip info
N(E) --- Pull strip + Semantic Staff process
So on indefinitely... but this "indefinitely" has emergent properties. This essentially SHOWS meaning.