Code Language:
Ryccc Loseht htadh lyzzeze vluonn luzddh
Tezbbeal atz blajelehsummhhfmy vord vraayt vaduuarc
Nihnikkeemm nemmdolze blofiteemh bumkdure htluzdhh
Orrr tayzh nat hsoldul pih neukammikaur ruzzdx
Quil lezolkezz zdlibbt duu immakhsumm
Zumm zbleemjeze sblidh zbrimtuel uuirrr zubbrammt uuimmdueltt
Vrehs--zbeelidze tur zupzzitzs--iipeemmje allif-kemmdeultt
Yummje tleenzhe zbrid zeenzeh
Ummzenre nnemze uzulbet oemmze
Prezzeth plaonnimzee pen vol htel prut lifurze cemjeze
Zummstt jemmdra zor
htadze uuy zumt zdammtze val uuua
-Kummzor immhhnee Toluuimeeammett tizdimmke
Znireemje boridleh uuulrtzet zinpeod efffle ammger eflee imzdamk
Like the rose that rise from rust
Despair aids progression of my fault flayed fatewalk
Mimicking mentors, providing punctual thrust
All days made shorter by mechanical lust
Higher resources stripped to inaction
Soon spring's sprite splendor will
Supplant the winter
Flesh and spirit's duel subsides
And my beings arrives at center
Young dreams, split seams
Unseemly means usurped queens
Blessed Brahmans beam
For their blood rivals kings
The suns a gentle soul
That's why it stands far away
To console me in the Darwinian distance
Smiling politely
The world's symbiote
Every angle
Every instance