The Krugman Blues lyrics
by Loudon Wainwright III
THE KRUGMAN BLUES by Loudon Wainwright III
I read the NY Times its where I get my news
Paul Krugmans on the op-ed page thats where I get the blues
Cause Paul always tells it like it is we get it blow by blow
Krugmans got the Nobel prize so Krugman ought to know
When Paul goes on The NewsHour to talk to old Jim Lehrer
He looks so sad and crestfallen its more than I can bear
And all the other experts all seem way off base
And I guess that I identify with that p*ssed off look on Pauls face
When Paul gets really bummed out thats when I get scared
But if Paul says theres a glint of hope I feel weve all been spared
Sometimes when hes on the TV in the background you can spot his school logo
Krugman teaches at Princeton U so Krugman ought to know
Hes got that hang dog look about him Pauls one unhappy pup
Krugman looks so downtrodden I wish hed lighten up
And I know he wants to clue us in about all our impending doom
But I got The Krugman Blues from all Pauls gloom
Once I saw Krugman on a train Amtrackin to DC
I recognized his sad face cause I seen it on the TV
He looked up from his laptop when I said Hello Paul
Then I said Keep up all the good work, Paul
You bring me down but way to go, Paul!