Times Is Hard lyrics
by Loudon Wainwright III
Times is hard. Times is tough
Nothin's easy. It's all rough
There's not much right; so much gone wrong
All I can do is play this song
You're watchin' the news. It all looks bad
The worst half-hour you ever had
What in God's name is goin' on?
All I can do is play this song
You're losin' your job, your house and your car
Hittin' rock bottom don't feel that far
Nothin' good is gonna come along
All I can do is play this song
Folks are scared watchin' that news
Folks feel bad. They're gettin' the blues
My poor stomach, it ain't that strong
All I can do is play this song
Times is rough. Times is hard
Take a pair of scissors to your credit card
Circuit City just said, 'So long.'
All I can do is play this song
Who's at fault? Who gets the blame?
Let's string up Bernie what's-his-name
And ask Alan Greenspan to come along
All I can do is play this song
They want your gold, and they'll pay cash
The only silver lining is the price of gas
Money's short and the odds are long
All I can do is play this song
The factory's closed. The bank is bust
On the money it says, 'In God We Trust.'
So pray for all your stocks and bonds
All I can do is play this song
Outta luck. Outta hope
I'm wonderin' why I even cast that vote
I took that sign offa my front lawn
All I can do is play this song
There's a new man down there in D.C
They say he's gonna help you and me
They sure know how to bang the gong
All I can do is play this song
Last man in D.C., he had eight years
Now the whole damn country is in arrears
We got two, three, four wars goin' on
All I can do is play this song
Times is hard. Times is rough
I guess you folks need some cheerin' up
Well it ain't me babe. You got that wrong
All I can do is play this song
You heard it here. I sang it first
Don't feel so bad; things are gonna get worse
Consider yourselves all strung along
All I can do is play this song
All I can do is ...