This Is The Dayshift lyrics
by KryFuZe
I just got a brand new job
But there is just one thing
(I live here, breathe here, sleep here, die here
I can never leave}
I get paid in Faz-Tokens
Matt is my only resort
Hello there, Old Sport!
This is the Dayshift At Freddy's
Where all the little kids can meet ya
You can even make cat turd pizza
Now get yourself ready
Foxy got thrown in a canyon
And probably took a really hard landin'
Dayshift at Freddy's
I think there was another killer right there
I think it was about a guy named Fredbear
Get yourself ready
And if anyone sees a dead kid there
Act normal and play some Breadbear
Something's just a little odd
Because Freddy's being phallic
They must be hiding something
What could be so wrong with Salad?
The pizza tastes like cardboard
But we're still number one
That's not pizza crust, it's Bonnie!
Employee, my f*cking head is gone
Damn, I put the suit on wrong
Got springlocked in the head
Now, I'm no rocket scientist
But I think that means you're dead
But, if I'm dead, that means I can't do the next-
Shut up, you're breaking the illusion!
This is the Dayshift at Freddy's
Where all the little kids can meet ya
You can even make cat turd pizza
Now get yourself ready
Foxy got thrown in a canyon
And probably took a really hard landin'
This is the Dayshift At Freddy's
Where all the little kids can meet ya
You can even make cat turd pizza
Now get yourself ready
Foxy got thrown in a canyon
And probably took a really hard landin'
Dayshift at Freddy's
I think there was another killer right there
I think it was about a guy named Fredbear
Get yourself ready
And if anyone sees a dead kid there
Act normal and play some Breadbear