Мальчик в ракете из стульев (Boy in a rocket made out of chairs) (English translation) lyrics
You had a rocket made out of chairs
And as a kid you liked to explore the space
You searched for a life on different planets
And captured fascinating aliens
You saved Earth from the death for three thousands times
You had glory, honor and fame
But you became an adult and lost all of your dreams
And the space was replaced with the cold calculations
Do you really think that the boy in a rocket
Would love to become a sales assistant?
You’ve killed a dream and you’ve killed the innocence
And you’ve slaughtered yourself as a spaceman
You won’t see the dawn
From the spaceship you’re on
You won’t be the one with the stars
And you won’t unravel their secrets
You’re harming your back
Selling your stupid slicers
You won’t be woken up
By the woeful light of a starry night