Intro to She Likes the Beatles (Live) lyrics
by William Clark Green
So when I moved from, uh, Lubbock, Texas, I moved to, uh, a small town outside of Abilene, my whole band moved to San Marcos which I couch surfed here for a while. But, uh, I moved to a small town, my, my mother's father’s, uh, um, birthplace was Eastland, Texas and, and I moved to the farm out there and out of necessity, to be honest with ya, I, I couldn't afford to live anywhere else. And, uh, I'd stay in the trailer house out there, and, and uh, and we, what we would do on the weekends we’d come up on Sunday with the band and, and we'd sit there and we'd pull all the furniture out of the living room and we'd put it on the porch, and we'd replace it all with band equipment and we would rehearse all the songs we'd rehearse all the songs we had messed up the night before. And, uh, one night, I'll never forget, it was right before "Rose Queen," we had started going in for "Rose Queen," and it was during "Misunderstood" era, and, and we honestly, I mean, we had been on the road for three or four years and, you know, I had graduated college, um, and I was kinda sitting back going "how much longer can I eat Vienna sausages and cheese for dinner?" Uh, an old boss of mine, uh, he said, he, he brought Vienna sau-, Vienna sausages and cheese for dinner one time, uh, for, for lunch on this work break, and um, he goes, he goes, "You want some?" And I said, "No, I'm gonna pass lunch today, I’m not a big Vienna sausage guy." And he goes, "Well you’ve never been hungry then." And I ate a lot of Vienna sausage in my first years in the music business, I can tell you that much. His name was, his name was Carl, um, um no sorry, I'm sorry his name was Mr. Carr, Gerald Carr, my neighbor had told me that, my parents neighbor, he was a good guy
Um, so anyways, one night, I mean we were, we’re down in the dumps man. Austin, Austin was, Austin had just left and joined Josh, he was with us for a while and then went ba-, Josh was originally with Josh Abbott, or Austin was originally with Josh Abbott and he, he left and, went, and joined Josh Abbott, and then, uh, woah, I'm sorry I'm saying this really wrong. He was originally with Josh, left Josh, joined us for a little while, and then circ*mstances happened, he went back to Josh, and then we're waiting for, for that comeback. Yeah, we’re waiting for it. Um, and John, and Austin had just left, Steve was just, just joined the band, uh, we found Steve on Craigslist, in, in San Marcos, and that's the truth. We were, we were doing auditions, we had found him on Craigslist and, uh, man, you get some great deals on Craigslist, you know
Um, so we're sitting there one night and, like, you know, everybody's just kinda down in the dumps because we've been touring for three or four years and we, just nothing's happening, no one cares about the songs or what we're doing. Um, and, and, and we were all sitting around the monop-, this table and we were playing monopoly, and we were just, every time you went to jail you had to take a shot, every time you passed go you had to take a shot, and every time you, every time you got out of jail everyone had to take a celebratory get out of jail shot. And, uh, my drummer at the time, his name was Jason Aldonia and I wish he was here. Uh, but he got a phone call from his ex, his now ex girlfriend, but then, at the time, his girlfriend and he, he had forgot to call her. And like, uh, as being a musician on the road, if you do not call your girlfriend after a night, you will not have a girlfriend the next day. Uh there is, uh, that, that just don't exist. And, uh, so he runs off in this [?], and you could hear, like 40 yards away and you could hear his apologies, it was like echoing off the walls. "I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry, no we lost track of time, Will's being a real as*h*le today," and blah blah, just totally throwing me under the bus, you know. And he comes back like 45 minutes later and he's just shaking his head, and he asks for a cigarette and we give him a cigarette and we light it. And it was his first breath of smoke, and I swear to God he goes, he goes, "Man, she likes the Beatles and I like the Stones and we ain't ever gonna get along". And I just, I looked up at God, and I was like, "Thank you and, uh, I've, I can take it from here. This is the only sign I need, so"