It’s Not Unusual (Laulu rakkaudelle: Secret Song Suomi kausi 1) lyrics
by Antti Ketonen
[Antti Ketonen]
It's not unusual to be loved by anyone
It's not unusual to have fun with anyone
But when I see you hanging about with anyone
It's not unusual to see me cry
I wanna' die
[Antti Ketonen]
It's not unusual to go out at any time
But when I see you out and about it's such a crime
If you should ever want to be loved by anyone
It's not unusual it happens every day
No matter what you say
[Antti Ketonen]
You find it happens all the time
Love will never do, what you want it to
Why can't this crazy love be mine?
[Antti Ketonen]
Hei Paula mä en oo ainoo mies joka ihailee sinua
[Toni Wirtanen:]
Moi Paula täs on Wirtasen Toni
Mä halusin vaan sanoa et sä oot aivan mahtava tyyppi
Ja on ollut todella iso ilo ja kunnia tutustuu suhun
[Samuli Edelmann:]
Hei Paula, täs on Samuli. Sä oot kerta kaikkiaan upea taiteilija
[Juha Tapio:]
Hei Paula, Tapion Juha tässä moi
Tässä maailmassa on vaan yks Paula Koivuniemi
Ja se oot sinä!
[Vesa-Matti Loiri]
Hei Paula, Vesku tässä
Sä tiedät et mä oon aina rakastanu sua ja tulen aina rakastamaan sua
Hei hei muru!
[Antti Ketonen]
It's not unusual, to be mad with anyone
It's not unusual, to be sad with anyone
But if I ever find that you've changed at anytime
It's not unusual to find out that I'm in love with you