War on Terror lyrics
by Chris Rock
Yo, don't let Kobe, don't let this celebrity news fool you right now all this stuff going on in the news is just a trick to get your mind off the war. So all it is a trick to get your mind off the war, okay? I think Bush sent that girl to Kobe's room, Bush sent that little boy to Michael Jackson's house, Bush killed Lacy Peterson, Bush was f*cking Paris Hilton in that video. All the get your mind off the war, now Bush lied to me, they all lied to me. We gotta go to Iraq 'cause they're the most dangerous country on earth, they're the most dangerous regime in the world. If they're so dangerous how come it only took 2 weeks to take over the whole f*cking country? sh*t,man you couldn't take over Baltimore in 2 weeks. Now the war was cool, when the war started it was great man. 'Brought a lot of patriotism, patriotism is beautiful, beautiful but slowly but surely the patriotism turned into "Hateriotism", people started freaking out the war was weird man because you watch TV man and you see some weird white guys going "nobody here, you guys are okay" but um, you see these weird white guys getting overly patriotic and they got their f*cking flag hats on and their flag draws and their flag pickups, "I'm American,man I'm American f*ck all these f*cking foreigners, I'm American! I'm American!" Hey, calm the f*ck down. There was a lot of accepted racism when the war started, there's accepted "I'm American, man I'm American, f*ck all these foreigners" and that was cool then it was "I'm American! I'm American! f*ck the French!" that was cool. "I'm American, I'm American! f*ck all these Arabs" and that was cool. Then they went to "I'm American! I'm American! f*ck all these illegal aliens" Then I started listening, cause I know N+++++s and Jews are next. Any day now, that train is NEVER late! But the whole country has a f*cked up mentality, man we all got a gang mentality. Republicans are f*cking idiots, the democrats are f*cking idiots and conservatives are idiots and liberals are idiots, and anyone who makes up their mind before they hear the issue is a f*cking fool, okay? everybody, no,no, no. Everybody is so busy wanting to be down with a gang, "I'm a conservative, I'm liberal, I'm conservative" It's bullsh*t! Be a f*cking person! LISTEN let it swirl around your head, then form your opinion. No normal decent person is one thing, okay I got some sh*t I'm conservative about, I got some things I'm liberal about. Crime: I'm conservative, Prostitution: I'm liberal! And they keep they keep trying to scare us, everybody is trying to scare us telling us to be on the look out for Al Qaeda, like "where where?" I ain't scared of Al Qaeda, I'm from Brooklyn I don't give a f*ck about Al Qaeda,motherf*ck Al Qaeda, sh*t.
Did Al Qaeda blow up the building in Oklahoma? NO
Did Al Qaeda put Anthrax in your mail? NO
Did Al Qaeda drag James Byrd down a street till his eyeballs popped out of his f*cking head? NO
I ain't scared of Al Qaeda, I'm scared of Al Cracka!