Summary and why is the chapter important for all 12 chapters lyrics
by Swarmz
Chapter 1- Sound of the shell
1. A group of boys are marooned on an island after evacuation from a war zone (WW3)
2. Ralph and Piggy are the first on the scene and use the conch to summon other suvivors
3. The most impressive entrance is from a group of choir boys led by the red-haired Jack Merridew, head boy and chapter chorister
4. One of the choirboys, Simon, faints near the platform where the boys are gathering.
5. Piggy's name is reviled to the boys amusement
6. The boys elect Ralph as chief. Jack believes the role should be his. He and Ralph agree that the choir will be hunters, with Jack in charge.
7. Ralph, Jack and Simon decide to explore the island
8.The three boys come across a piglet, which Jack almost kills but he declares 'Next time'
This chapter is important because it establishes the setting, Golding introduces us to the main characters and their different personalities, after Ralph is elected leader, we learn his generosity when he asks Jack to take charge of the hunters, the importance of the conch which is a symbol of democracy and the bad weather on the island foreshadows later events.
Chapter 2-Fire on the mountain
1. Ralph, Jack and Simon return from exploring and Ralph blows the conch to call a meeting. He confirms it is uninhabited.
2. Jack points out that an army is required during hunting, while Ralph is more worried about intimidate problems
3. The younger boys express their concern about the beastie on the island
4. At Ralph's suggestion, the boys agree to start a fire to attract attention of passing ships
5. Jack offers to keep the fire going and his hunters keep it going
6. The fire on the mountain starts by Piggy's glasses but burns out of control.
7. Piggy tells the boys to 'act proper' if they where to be rescued
8. Piggy discovers the boy with the birthmark has disappeared.
This chapter is important because it establishes the idea that a beast might lurk on the island, Ralph and Jack's different priories are shown, Golding introduces the idea of lighting a fire as a main way of being rescued which is important though the story. The idea that hunters watch over the fire will break down later in the novel and the first death occurs, through through the boys carelessness. This death foreshadows later tragedies.