Uummatiga lyrics
by Ole Kristiansen
Uummatiga tarranut akuleruppoq
Isaruaqarami tammartajaassooq aasiit
Uummatima tarranit ilassivassi
Asanerarlusilu pinnernerarlusi
- haarmé!
Seqineq nuigaangat ilassisarpungut
Tarraniinnata nuissaniilluta
- asumi!
Illit maani maanna uummatinni ineqaravit
Mianeralutillu ilinniittarpunga
Uinnatit isussugit tusarsimanngisaannik
Isumagissusermik taqaarunnartumik
- haarmé!
Seqineq nuigaangat ilassisarpungut
Tarraniinnata nuissaniilluta
- asumi!
Tarrallu saavanni qaamasumi
Qeqqata unnuap qaangerlugu
Amusaartillutit qaatupputit
- asumi!
Isumalioravit akisuavoq isummat
Uniinnaveerunarpoq kipiumanani
- haarmé!
Seqineq nuigaangat ilassisarpungut
Tarraniinnata nuissaniilluta
- Asumi!
My Heart
My heart mingles with shadows
Once again it will be lost - as it wears glasses
My heart greets you from the shadows
Proclaiming its love to you and call you beautiful
- Look!
When the sun appears, we greet one another
Away from the shadows - being in the clouds
- Certainly!
Because your abode now is in my heart
Sometimes I am in you - with care
With eyes closed, whisper to me of what I haven't heard before
Of irresistible happiness
When the sun appears, we greet one another
Away from the shadows - being in the clouds
- Certainly!
And in the bright presence of shadows
Beyond midnight
You come to your senses being pulled up and down
While thinking, your thoughts echo
It seems it refuses to stop, wanting no end
When the sun appears, we greet one another
Away from the shadows - being in the clouds
- Certainly!