Maggot Hatchery lyrics
by Ghoul
Out on the bog sits a mouldy old shack
A graveyard out front and a swamp in the back
The creature who lives there personifies death
She'll curdle your blood with the smell of her breath
Wrapped up in rags and a tattered old hood
She walks with a cane made of twisted black wood
A feared necromancer and caster of curses
She really enjoys putting people in hearses
Blessed with a face that can drive men insane
A body by joke and a sinister brain
Her feet can peel wallpaper when they're exposed
Gangrene and fungus infesting her toes
She spends all her evenings creating disease
Conjuring larvae and maggots to please
Enormous pupae she constantly breeds
On disinterred bodies they suckle and feed
A larval sack she did dismiss
It crawled into a drainage ditch
Once underground it carried on
No one noticed that it was gone
Down in the sewer this maggot had fun
Eating the rats was it's job number one
It terrorized rodents and left them in tatters
The flesh of the beasts made it all the more fatter
Bones it did crunch and then cartilege munched
The slimy invertebrate sloppily lunched
It's tubular mass through the sewers did squirm
A limb-ripping, flesh-tearing, many-toothed worm
With palpitating skin in gelatinous mounds
It made it's way through Creepsylvania's grounds
Seeking the filth by which it was sustained
The Swamp Hag had this maggot very well trained
Finding a coffin that was plentifully plugged
The corpse was devoured by the glistening slug
Rot and decay it ingested with zeal
As long as it knew that it had a next meal
Feasting on the bloated dead
Stiffs enveloped foot to head
Vomiting acid into the crypts
To gorge on all the parts that dripped
Tomb after tomb it slowly creeped
As we watched our food sources deplete
It tunneled into our practice space
And listened as we moshed the place
Into the sewer it escaped
It's casing held a human shape
A squalling lump all set to burst
This town has not yet seen the worst