by The Narcissist Cookbook
When we first met
We recognised each other immediately
Two frightened & hiding-it 20-somethings
Travelling alone in the off-season
Both visibly lost
Both running
In retrospect, it was inevitable
How we tangled ourselves in each other
Splicing our frayed ends
We were young and high
Clumsy and fumbling
And we conspired late into the night
Whispering like twins up past bedtime
Singing songs for each other
From our battеred
Water-damaged songbooks
Explaining oursеlves, I suppose
In the only way we knew how
We made plans to travel
To New Delhi together in the morning
And from there to Nepal
Or anywhere really
And I fell asleep listening to your breathing
And the sound of heavy rain
On hot tin roofs
Like typewriters drafting a message home
I'm okay
I'm safe
I love you
And I am never, ever coming back
"Who are you?" the stranger asked
He leaned in closer, but he wasn't listening
When I woke up, you were gone
I never saw you again
I went to New Delhi alone
I thought about travelling onward to Nepal
But, you know, I am embarrassed to say
That in the end
I just spent the rest of my money
On a ticket home
I do wonder
If I might have done the same thing
If I'd woken up first, I mean
Taken the cash in your wallet
Gotten dressed in the hallway
Taken your songbook instead of mine
In the rush and the hurry
In another universe
Not too far from this one
Maybe I'm still out there
Still lost
Still running
Tonight the rain on St Sasha
Is falling like it did in Jaipur
And I lie awake
Listening to the sound of my own breathing
The typewriters clacking out
Reams of nonsense
To no one in particular