by The Narcissist Cookbook
Okay. Here we go
The fourth and, surely
The strangest thing about St Sasha
And the reason
That this island has been stuck
Immovable in my memory
Since I was a kid
Listening to this tape of fairytales
Every night
As I went to sleep
A rescue vessel
Was sent to check on David Brownley
By then in his late sixties
After he failed to answer his radio for
I think three days
I don't know
Rescuers found the island
And the surrounding sea
Littered with thousands upon thousands
Of sheets of paper
Every inch
Of every sheet
Covered in writing -
Mostly rendered illegible by rain damage
Then, when they arrived at the lighthouse
They found the door open
And reams of handwritten pages
Beyond counting
Filling the building's interior
Hip deep
The powerful ocean winds
Had blown a good proportion of the pages
Out onto the island -
But by no means the majority of them
Rescuers described trying to cross the room
As being akin to
Wading through a bog
Brownley wasn't there
Eventually, though
He was found
Towards the north of the island
The rescuers found him
Lying dead in the grass
His clothing ripped to shreds
And beneath
Deep, bloody gashes in his flesh
To the bone, in many places
It goes without saying
That there is no known beast
In this part of the world
That could have caused injuries like this
The pages found on St Sasha
That could be collected
Were burned
As it was deemed a waste of resources
To transport them off the island
And the lighthouse was automated
As a matter of urgency
When applicants refused to take the job
On the island where the previous keeper
Had been mauled to death
By an
Unknown creature
And that
As they say
Is the end of the story
But it wasn't the whole story
Not quite
Not quite
End of side one