by The Narcissist Cookbook
It probably won't surprise you to learn
That the pages found littering this island
After David Brownley's death-
The same pages that were piled
In teetering stacks
In the lighthouse he kept-
Were covered in stories
According to the Commission's records
Most pages had a main story
And then second, third and fourth ones
Written in the margins
With further stories still
Squeezed in between the lines
Filling every space
Every gap
With writing too small to be readable
Until the pages, in some cases
Were blue and black
From edge to edge
None were transcribed
None were kept
--younger brother, down by the bank of the river flowing out of the forest, screamed in fear. The other two brothers ran over to see what had startled him and found, lolling in the sc*m, a decomposing ram's head. Waterlogged. Cloudy-eyed. Almost all skull but for a few patches of matted fur, a shriveled, raisin-like tongue, and dried, browning gums still clinging to yellow teeth
The older brother smirked and went to grab the skull by its one remaining horn to taunt his younger brothers with it...
But before he could, the skull did what no skull ever should
It cleared its throat