by The Narcissist Cookbook
So I kissed that person I've been talking to
You know
The one I've been mildly crushing on
On and off
For half a decade
And it felt
Not the kiss
The kiss was great
I mean, it felt strange to know that it was okay
That I didn't need to choose between this thing that we have
And what this other thing might be
I could just relax and take things easy
As much as I'm ever capable of either of those things, anyway
Drift wherever this strange new breeze might take me
And you know me
I feel, at any given time, tuggеd in all directions at once
That is, if anything can be thus dеscribed, my defining quality
But I spent years pathologising that very thing
Listening with rapt attention when the world told me I was disgusting
Like a child listening to a bedtime story
And you know I don't even really think I mean that metaphorically
We really do make a point of teaching kids that there is precisely one person to be
One way to live
And monogamous
Anything else is in some way less
And so I learned, as a lot of people like me did, that it was better to hide and to lie and pretend
Than to express ourselves honestly
This approach was actively encouraged, for f*cks sake
As if those habits have ever once produced a single happy or healthy individual in the history of our species
It's like trying to f*cking shut off a—a garden hose by clamping your thumb over the end
It seems to work for about half a second
And then what had been a steady stream becomes a dozen water jets shooting everywhere
And you can't control it
And you get super f*cking wet
And actually, you know what?
That metaphor got away from me a little bit
Da-da-da-dum, da-da-da-dum
Da-da-da-dum, a-da-da-dum
Da-da-da-dum, da-da
Da-da, da-ya-da
What I'm trying to say is
By not accepting who I am and what I want
By crushing and condensing my identity til it explodes all over everybody's everything
I hurt people
And then I kept doing it
Again and again
Until I learned that raging against the parts of me I find hard to love
Doesn't actually erase them
It doesn't actually fix anything
It just makes me ill
And unfulfilled
And you know what's truly terrible?
Is that some people go their whole lives thinking that's an okay way to feel
They wake up every morning and voluntarily erase themselves
Dream by dream, wish by wish
Until they're barely even f*cking people anymore
They're just piles of bone and hair and flesh
Red meat going bad
And I dunno
Maybe it's just me, man
But that sounds far worse than any awkward, honest conversation
I have ever had
Thing is, once you pop, you cannot stop
And now I'm eyeing an uncomfortable question
What other parts of me have I been neglecting?
What other scary, strange things are under here?
Because if it's possible to love more than one person
Maybe I can love more than one aspect of me
I don't need a reply to this urgently
I just wanted to say
That I kissed someone today
And I think it changed everything