Minecraft Rap Battle - Overworld lyrics
by Falconshield
[Zombie (AntiRivet)]
Shuffling to you and I deliver the pain
I hope you studied for undeath because i'm coming for your BRAIN
You're delicious little critters
You'd go well with some wasabi
Spicing up the gray matter for this hungry I-zombie
Add some pepper, a little salt
Dig into your organs for that secret sauce
As you're running from the horde
This unstoppable force
I'll have a feast knowing that you were the slowest course
Eating you till sunrise dawn of the dead
It's not a party until one of us is bathing in red
You're voltaire air headed baby that's okay
Cause you won't even think twice once you don't have a brain
Stay under my umbrella i'm not doing you harm
Ladies call me T-virus i'm infectious like charm
This taste is acquired got a certain appeal
Cause a sandwich is a sandwich but a manwich is a meal
[Creeper (AntiRivet)]
Creeping to your door, have you heard the good news?
An explosive personality with nothing to lose
Like a vacuum named candy I can blow on command
On the mic i'm dropping bombs call me Afghanistan
What a tragedy you see when you look at my face
Short fuse got me livid come give me an embrace
You got away? Oh no I think I was a fluke
But try again and be your friends
I can nuke 'em like Duke
What a shame you're petty lame
This little game has come to claim
Another name to feel the pain
My rhymes exploding out your brain
Anarchy is reigning in the server like gladius
Be aware if you're near me in a 16 block radius
Wander in the bushes i'm in clever disguise
But wait, I ain't a plant! SHIA SURPRISE!
Fear the little green meanie i'm the spectre that looms
Hope you hear me from your inventory
[Skeleton (Rawb)]
It's guaranteed when I see you that i'm poised to attack
This bow and arrow is the reason there's an arch in your back
The archer is back to stack wooden tips on the track
I'm the undead Legolas so mine your craft
I'm the reason why your kitty cats is on the fritz
Guitar accessories and skulls got a bone to pick
It's break time, i'm pulling the strings from way far
Whole squad turn the map into elephant graveyards
Dry bones like I came from Mars the monstar
These flows hard break a-dam like skeletor
I'm big boned skele-tall the scale checker
I got osteoreposis the bone collector
[Slime (Josef Falkensköld)]
I may not look it but i am a size four
Hoppin' with a swag you cannot ignore
Spirits are high, metabolism poor
What!? You never seen a big guy before?
Hit me and I multiply. Slimy wrath!
Four to one chump. You do the math!
Get with the program, get with the plump
Kriss Kross got it right, jump, jump!
To take the lead, I am essential
My increase is exponential
Some like jelly and some find it icky
But baby we make that piston sticky
I'm a square, but not like Spongebob
Just one guy turning into a lynch mob
One for all, we're stronger together
Tell my cousin "Hi"when you're going to the Nether
[Spider (Mom0ki)]
Got something for ya you're gonna dislike
I'm done dropping string, i'm dropping the mic
I may seem docile but it's getting darker
You're gonna get bit like Peter Parker
Light level 9 time for me to shine
Climbing your walls sending chills down your spine
I'll find you behind you
Creep up when you mine
Getting caught in my webs, you're now intertwined
Skelly on my back, he's the archer i'm the carry
A dynamic duo when things are getting hairy
We're coming to attack, a late night snack
My only problem is his bony butt in my back
Trap you like Frodo, no Sam here to save
My kin in the cave coming wave after wave
We poison your blood, your chances are bleak
You cannot escape these 8-legged freaks!