I’ll Quit LoL lyrics
by LilyPichu
I am done, I am through, I am just sick of it all
I am tired of the feeders in my stupid game of LoL
Uninstall! Right away! With your 0/15/4!
You're the reason why I never want to play this anymore
I thought I'd play one before I sleep
Three people instalocking, fine by me!
I picked a jungle, now we need a tank
Why'd you pick Nidalee?
Why are you fighting over mid, again?
One of you come with me to bottom lane
Why is it always like this every game?
So now I'm done, trying to raise my elo is in vain
Why on earth would you engage in 3v1?
Why'd you waste your Tibbers when you don't even have stun?
I hate this game, I really truly do
Well I know one way to end this I'll
Just stop playing I'll
Just uninstall!
I am done, I am through, I am just sick of it all!
If you wanted to tank damage why the hell d'you pick Kog'Maw?
I am done, I am through, I'm reporting all of you
I hope Riot bans my feeding team and fixes solo queue
I am done, I am through, QQQQQQQ!
Every time I try to play, I'm stuck with bads like you
I am done, I am through, I'll play HoN or DotA 2