Little Cloud lyrics
by The Incredible String Band
How sweet to be a cloud, floating in the blue
Lying awake, late the other night
Heard above me a trembling
I looked up, it was a little cloud
From which a gold string was dangling;
You know, I gave the string a little pull
Just to see what was on the other end
Just then a voice came down to me, says
"Hey, now, don't you want to be my friend
And float with me to distant lands
Wondrous and fair;
Float with me to distant lands wondrous and fair?
You see I'm just a happy little cloud
I laugh and float and sing my song
But the other clouds don't like me none
They say I am behaving very wrong
You see a cloud's supposed to be sad
To cry and weep and tear its hair and all
And don't matter how hard I try
I can't get the first little tear to fall."
Oh float with me to distant lands, wondrous and fair;
Float with me to distant lands, wondrous and fair;
I said, "Hey, I like you little cloud
You are a nice little fellow, yes."
"You making some kind of a joke?", said the cloud
"Now can't you see I'm wearing such a pretty dress?
You see I am the prettiest little chick cloud
That you'd find anywhere up above
I just dropped in on you awhile
To see if you could give me some kind of love."
And float with me to distant lands, wondrous and fair;
Float with me to distant lands wondrous and fair;
Just then the chief cloud come into view
And says, "Hey, girl, now what you think you're doing there?
I told you so many times before
You just don't seem at all to care
You know you should be floating up above, now
Don't let me catch you down here again."
And as my cloud pulled out of view
There come falling down a gentle shower of rain
Happy rain come falling down
Red, green, blue and golden
And every drop, as it fell, it smiled
And, throwing back its head, began singing
"Oh float with me to distant lands, wondrous and fair;
Float with me to distant lands, wondrous and fair."