/r/iamverysmart lyrics
by Neckbeard Deathcamp
Wrapped head to toe in camouflage behind balaclava and mechanical keyboard
Taking cover in a burned out tag group
The wehrwulf ov the fuhrer cheks his remaining meme cache
A David Bowie callout detonates in a nearby thread and the bodies ov the normies gathered around are mulched by the blast
Spattered clout strikes the seasoned memer who laughs before whispering "Nothin personnel kid" to the corpses
He tears the corner from a Totinos pizza roll mre and fantasizes about wars he will never fight in
Neckbeard hairs poking through the knit ov the mask
Unironic belief that his shared content puts him on the front line ov US politics
Meme soldier
f*cking loser