And there is a great chess master here in town
Who plays 45 people, going from table to table
He's checkmating everyone at a time
What kind of brain can do that, do that
I ask what kind of brain can do that
I want that brain, I want his brain
I want to eat his brain
I wanna eat his brain
Brains! Brains!
No, seriously
Bob Dylan
How are they doing that?
Are they even human?
Or are they some type of government... creation
They're robots!
How do you succeed on that level
How do you pump out songs like that
Can such a brain be developed?
Are these people humans?
I thought we were apes
No, their brains
Are different
And I want their brains
I want it
I want their brains
I want it
I want their brains
I want it
I wanna clone their brains
I wanna make a human embryo
I want
I wanna take it before China steals our secret
Yes! Yes!
Don't let China steal our Bob Dylan-human embryos
We won't wanna make songs unfortunately when they have our Bob Dylan embryo brains
So what are they gonna use that for?
Advanced weaponry?
Or foooood
Let's make food
[?] food